Mad Libs for Adults – Snoop Dogg, Foo Fighters, Bob’s Burgers, and more!

You loved Mad Libs as a kid, now you can enjoy them as an adult — from Snoop Dogg to Foo Fighters, and everything in between. Whether you play alone or with friends, these grown-up Mad Libs will keep you laughing! Check out some of our favorites:

Snoop Dogg Mad Libs (Adult Mad Libs)

$225.83  in stock
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as of May 1, 2024 1:23 pm

Foo Fighters Mad Libs

$45.00  in stock
1 used from $45.00
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as of May 1, 2024 1:23 pm

Bob's Burgers Mad Libs

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22 new from $4.90
13 used from $0.99
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  • Calling all Bob's Burgers fans! This Mad Libs features 21 hilarious, original stories inspired by the hit FOX television series!
  • 48 pages. Paperback.

Wu-Tang Clan Mad Libs

$94.97  in stock
8 used from $94.97
as of May 1, 2024 1:23 pm

Eat, Drink, and Be Mad Libs (Adult Mad Libs)

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25 new from $4.64
16 used from $0.96
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as of May 1, 2024 1:23 pm

My Bleeping Family Mad Libs (Adult Mad Libs)

$5.99  in stock
26 new from $5.22
19 used from $1.99
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as of May 1, 2024 1:23 pm


  • Used Book in Good Condition

Stoned Off Our Mad Libs (Adult Mad Libs)

$5.99  in stock
20 new from $5.26
25 used from $1.57
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as of May 1, 2024 1:23 pm

What To Do When Bored At A Friend’s House

Have you ever been invited by a friend to his/her house but once you get there you really don’t see why you came in the first place? Well you are not alone. It happens. We tend to force ourselves to liking what our friends do even when they suck at it. But pretending can be fun sometimes. But what if you can’t pretend anymore? Well there are some activities you can do when bored at a friend’s house. So this means that you don’t have to force yourself to be active and lively. You can actually do the following activities and you won’t believe how fun it will be to be at your friend’s place.

Change Your Accent

Yes, pick that funny French accent you have always admired. Just be sure not to chock out of it. If you love Mexican soap operas, you have all it takes to pull a Mexican accent. Just make sure you don’t miss raising one eyebrow to make a point. So anything your friend says, reply with an accent. If he says something you don’t agree with, or you want to show anger, pull out a Russian accent and your point will be clear.

Make Faces Behind Your Friend

Did you know that you could actually make yourself useful when bored at a friend’s house? Yes you can. And the most constructive thing you can do is to make faces behind your friend but make sure he doesn’t see you doing that. It is simple—you are bored because he is not there to keep you company. He is probably busy doing something else and not involving you in it. Make use of this chance and look stupid. If you are standing, dance behind him and when he looks back, play dumb. Make it look like you were not doing anything; it’s entertaining AND annoying!

Go Online

This is the best treat you can ever give yourself other than sand-bathing in Mauritius. Go online and surf the web. There is no doubt that Google was invented by someone who was just bored at a friend’s house. In fact, 80% of the people who go online are normally bored. Oooh boy, how the internet cures boredom is a miracle. Things you can do on the internet include going to entertainment type sites. There are many web sites out there, where you can spend hours and hours of flipping through blog posts, videos, pictures, etc. And you can really have a good time without having to talk to anyone at all.

Watch Videos

If you are the type of a person who can spend hours glued to the TV then why don’t you find videos to watch? This could be funny clips, cartoons, music videos or adult films. Wait a minute… scratch that last one maybe. So gather as many videos as you can find on the shelves. If you can’t find any, grab your friend’s computer. No human being is too boring not to have any videos in his/her computer. Unless he is an alien.

Bananas Are Dying Out! What Will We Eat Instead?

If you love bananas as much as we do, you might still be stuck in your post-breakfast banana coma. But maybe you haven’t heard about what the future holds for bananas. We were saddened to learn recently that the bananas we love are being slowly killed off by parasites. (They’ve been genetically modified so much that they can’t resist the parasites at all.) But it’s only the most popular banana, known as the Cavendish banana. There are around 1,000 varieties of bananas of different flavors and sizes. So our favorite monkey friends will have plenty of other banana types to eat. Here are some replacements we tall monkeys might munch on.
Plantains — they’re usually pretty hard and you have to deep fry them or mash them to make them taste good, but there’s nothing wrong with that.
-Red_banana- (1)
Thamizhpparithi Maari/Wikipedia
Red bananas are supposed to have a bit of a mango taste to them. If you’ve ever tasted one, let us know what you think.
Sweet bananas — they’re small and taste pretty much the same as a Cavendish. The cuteness factor is also very important. Wild bananas that can reproduce would be better able to combat certain diseases, but they’d also be full of hard seeds like these.
Warut Roonguthai/Wikipedia
Warut Roonguthai/Wikipedia
Or if you can collect enough Cavendishes before they’re gone, maybe you should start canning them so your grandkids know what they taste like. Or you could probably sell them on Future eBay for a pretty penny. You could even stock up on banana ketchup, a popular condiment in the Philippines. It’s made with mashed bananas, vinegar, sugar and spices, and then dyed red.
John Stephen Dwyer/Wikpedia
John Stephen Dwyer/Wikpedia
We predict the price of banana ketchup will skyrocket if the Cavendish disappears. It might be a good time to get in on the ground floor of this amazing opportunity.

What Food Should Never Be Pickled?


Lots of foods are great when they’re pickled, including various meats and lots of veggies. But pickling isn’t a magic elixir.

What Food Should Never Be Pickled?

Mauve-ing On Up

It is not November at all !!!

November has been usurped by Movember.Surprised pumpkin
Recent articles have urged you, dear readers, to ‘remember, remember the fifth of November.’Little did I realize at the time how prophetic my warning was.

Julius Caesar would turn in his grave …

or his salad … or toss in his salad … Okay, probably not that last one … that’s not a nice image. Anyhow, Julius was very particular about months so how would he react to this sudden change to the institution that he loved, possibly above all things including sausages ? I’d like to think he would take the news quite well.I believe Julius will have realized that Movember is an unofficial title and a fun, effective way of raising awareness about prostate cancer and other cancers affecting men that we avoid educating ourselves to in the same way that you just don’t ask for directions when you’re lost.

Julius would have been against direcrtile dysfunction

and be in favor of people getting the requisite prostate exams. Not because he had an invasive procedure fetish ( not only a pretty bad fetish that wouldn’t get too far on a site like, but there is no evidence for that anyway ) but because you don’t make Caesar unless you make good decisions …. and have fresh lettuce.
One thing might bother Julius, however. He would, of course, support the message and the spirit of Movember but undoubtedly it would irk him that only the M of Movember sounds anything like mustache.
So how to make this ensemble of media visibility, health awareness, November and fun filled community spirit a more cohesive force ?
The inevitable conclusion Julius would logically arrive at would, of course, be to grow your mustache … and then to dye it a striking shade of mauve.

Mauve-mber! … Now I get it. Thank you strange hairy man. I will go book my prostate exam straight away.

It is just a thought … but if you want to support this cause and you fear your charitable mustache will be lost among the existing mustache community, what better way for it to stand out than to dye it mauve?
You won’t look weird because it is a charity mustache, and if you were worried that growing a mustache will put you at risk of being kidnapped by The Village People whom may condemn you to a life of revival gig servitude, then dying your mustache mauve would ruin their nefarious plans.
Let face it, many old ladies have unwittingly championed mauve hair for years … and I’m not going to tell them it looks bad. … Some of those handbags hurt. I swear, they’re full of rocks or something.

So let’s see your best mauves.

The best mauve mustache may win a prize.
It’s not too late to be a facial hair hero.
Disclaimer : Prizes may entirely consist of non-existent lettuce leaves ( postage & packaging not included also on the basis of being non-existent. )
You can support research if you like but raising awareness is just as important.
Footnote : Lettuce is not necessary for a prostate exam.

What Was The Worst Blind Date You Ever Went On?

Blind dates can be amazing. You might find the love of your life! They can also be downright awful.

What Was The Worst Blind Date You Ever Went On?

Anyone Have Any Weird Dreams Last Night?

Some people go on wild adventures in the night, romping through dreamland like they own the place. Other people can’t remember their dreams at all. Which type are you?

Anyone have any weird dreams or crazy dreams last night?

What’s The Best Way To Read A Book?

In the car? On a bus? In bed? Outside?

What’s The Best Way To Read A Book?

Who Would Attend Your Dinner Party?

Dinner parties are great, when the company is good. You can invite five people, alive or dead, to your ultimate dinner party. Who’s coming to dinner?

 Who Would Attend Your Dinner Party?


Since the time of giant prehystoric birds

spotting cavemen after catching a dodgy Hamsterosaurs people ( and monkeys ) have been wearing hats. Originally hats weren’t called hats but hits ( see or rather” Look Out ” above ) but evolved with language to become hats … & in one corner of a spherical world, splits which led to the banana based hats still popular with the coolest kids today. As society developed so did hats. Style became important early fashion shows began to be held in jungle clearings. In fact the catwalk first appeared at this point in time, although back then ‘ catwalk ‘ meant being able to show off your new hat without being attacked by a tiger.

Trends & seasons were the natural progression.

Initially this meant big hat for winter, smaller hat for summer but hats were more complicated now. Some had issues of their own. … This, however, was almost entirely encompassed by the Cat Hat trend popular the Um-Um-Bongo? tribe until a neighbouring chief pointed out that they actually were cats ( Not as in a hat that will attack your goldfish every full moon ). This swiftly led to the Scat Hat trend & subsequently the fable of The Chief’s New Hat.

Headgear has been

central to many civilisations or, at least, that is what I think I remember researching the other night when I was out drinking ( that crazy library crowd ) … although I am not sure how the vicar & the lingerie fitted in … ? Certainly neither are hats. Egypt, of course, is renowned hat shaped buildings as was the My’an’ civilisation … although they were more into gloves. Less is known about the Byebyans who are believed to have built smooth uniform white conical buildings. An ancient inscription reading ” They got no grains” is thought to refer to their extinction from not being able to find the door to their grain stores. This is symbolised today by similar hats with a large D on the front …. for door. Don’t wave away the Byebyans to dismissively, however. It was such ill conceived blending of headgear & geometry that resulted in the angles jaunty & rakish abused by loveable rogues everywhere to trick fans of romantic literature out of their best chocolates .


due to milliners cross-breeding, from different societies we have a wide variety of hats. From the very formal top hat ( so named for people who didn’t know how to wear hats ) to bowler hats used to hold other hats at swingers parties & ten gallon hats designed for if there is a a long wait for the toilet at these parties ….. or for if guests are into that sort of thing. As for the future I predict that hats will continue to become even more varied & ambitious but will largely be made from Nachos. Perhaps we will look at hats in the modern age more closely next time but, for now, I tip my hat to you. Here’s cheese in your eye. ( Author notes : Gift wrap is not a hat. Do not gift wrap your head if you have to drive anywhere. )    

Household Uses for Gold

No one hears the word “gold” and thinks of anything bad. Well, unless they have a gold phobia or were traumatized using gold in some horrible way. Gold is one of the most valuable things you can own, and you should consider yourself ridiculously lucky if you happen to stumble across a large amount of it to keep in your home. If you are one of these people who has apparently won the karma lottery and you have a truckload of gold in your home, you’ll be thrilled to know that there are many things you can do with it!

Catch a Magpie!

All you’ve ever wanted is a pet. Unfortunately, you just can’t afford one right now because of all that money you just dropped on diamond-crusted Styrofoam cups. So obviously, what you’ll need to do in order to get a pet is to lure a local wild animal into your home. Magpies love shiny objects. Generally, they like to take these and use them to build their nests. What you can do is hang pieces of gold in your window, and leave the window open. That magpie will be lured into your home thinking that it’s scored big with the gold, and once you’ve got it inside, just shut the door. The magpie will likely freak out at first, knowing that it is never going to make it back to its nest. But the bird will end up getting something even better. It will have a new home with you and your piles of gold!

Destroy Unwanted Items!

Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity. It is used in all sorts of electrical wiring and in many devices around your home. Because it is such an amazing conductor, large amounts of it can actually attract lightning as well. There are so many items around your home that you would honestly be better off without. Of course, you can’t throw them away because your grandmother’s ex-coworker’s love child with a random homeless guy gave them to you. And how could you explain to her that you threw away her thoughtful gifts to you? She would be crushed! So obviously, the solution is to have them destroyed in a way that is not 100% your fault. You need to get those things struck by lightning. What you do is take all the gold you own and put it around the unwanted items. Wait for the worst thunderstorm you could possibly anticipate, and then once it’s there, boom! All of that stuff will be a pile of dust. The only downside is that you’ll have to deal with a large portion of your home being destroyed in the process.

Replace Missing Teeth!

Ever since you lost that front tooth in a Scrabble accident (don’t make the neighbor’s kid mad, he will hurl those pieces right in your face!), you have been incredibly self-conscious. And that’s understandable. But why feel self-conscious when there is something you can do about it? Now that you have all of this gold, you can make a new tooth for yourself and put it in your mouth. Sure, it might make more sense to go to a Dentist in Endicott and have them give you a replacement tooth. But that would take money that you don’t have. In your specific situation, it makes much more sense to sculpt your golden tooth by yourself and glue it into your mouth. You probably don’t have the equipment to be able to attach it to your gums properly, so you’ll just have to attach it to the surrounding teeth. But now you’ll have a cool gold tooth, which is absolutely awesome!

Validate Yourself!

You’ve been feeling a little down lately. Your self-esteem has been suffering, and you have never felt worse about yourself in your entire life. Thankfully, there is something that can get you out of this funk. Think of how amazing it would be to be a gold medal winner. Those people at the Olympics definitely seem happy when they win them, right? The only thing is, you haven’t done anything to earn a gold medal. That is why you are going to have to make your own. You have all the supplies at your disposal. You have all of that gold, as well as that knife set your roommate left behind when he took his trip which he told you would last three to five years depending on good behavior. After cleaning all the blood off the knives, you can start whittling your gold. Unless you have an amazing artistic skills, it probably isn’t going to look great, but who cares? You’ll have a gold medal!

My Nose, It Froze

Bill, horn, schnoz, sniffer; nostrils, snuffer, whiffer, nose. Either way, it FROZE.        

How To Play Pickleball

Did you wake up today and think, “Man, I’d love to learn about a sport that combines wiffle balls, tennis, badminton, with a few shakes of ping-pong/table tennis.” Well, you’re in luck, my eclectic friend. There is a sport that combines ALL of these and MORE. It’s called Pickleball.

How To Play Pickleball – History Of The Game

Before we get into the nitty gritty of Pickleball, let’s get some background on the game. It all started on a boring afternoon during the summer of 1965 in Washington. A politician and his family wanted to play badminton, but couldn’t find the shuttlecock. Instead of shrugging their shoulders and calling it quits, they said, “We’re gonna play a game on this badminton court if it’s the last thing we do!” Although that is not a direct quote, we can safely assume someone said this, because the resulting game came from the blood, sweat, and tears of their plight: they found a wiffle ball and made some paddles from plywood to create the first-ever game of Pickleball!

How To Play Pickleball – Getting Ready

Now that you have some background of Pickleball, let’s talk about what you’ll need to play this game. Pickleball starts with a perforated wiffle ball, a badminton-esque court, a tennis-esque net, and table tennis-esque paddles. Are you with us so far? Now, if you are going straight-up OFFICIAL PICKLEBALL, you’ll need some very precise measurements for everything you use to play this game; after all, there is an International Federation of Pickleball, and those guys don’t mess around. We’ll keep it a little simpler in the interest of time, but if you decide to be a pro Pickleball player (Pickleballer?!), please dedicate your game-winning point to this article even if you didn’t learn everything you needed to. Thanks. Pickleball can be played either in singles or doubles, like a tennis match. The court has the same dimensions as a badminton court, with some modifications to the lines. The net is pretty much a tennis net, but lowered to accommodate the way the perforated ball moves after it is hit.

How To Play Pickleball – Official Rules

If you’ve played a volley game, you’re already ahead of the curve! Pickleball can be simmered down to volleys and serves. When a player is serving, it’s called an “underhand stroke,” or if you prefer, “granny style” as we used to say when playing basketball. The serve must be hit diagonally to the other side of the net. After a serve, the opponent must allow the ball to bounce before it is hit, then the original serving team must ALSO let the ball bounce before volleying back. After that, it’s no holds barred Pickleballing back and forth until someone dies or, most likely, a fault is made. A fault happens when someone fails to return the ball properly or they go out of bounds. In Pickleball, only the serving side of the net can earn a point for that set. Points are accrued when an opponent faults. The official point rules for Pickleball go a little something like this: whichever team ends up with 11 points- while being up by 2 points above their opponents- wins the set.

How To Play Pickleball – Equipment and Gear

One of the most exciting things about starting a new activity or sport is obtaining sweet new gear, amiright? Pickleball is no exception: as fun as Pickleball is, it’s also a competitive sport, and that means that people spend a lot of time and money to not only have the best serve, but the best paddle! The paddles used can be either wooden or made with aerospace composite materials with a fiberglass hitting surface. It’s the clash of old-school and contemporary, history and technology, GOOD AND EVIL… it’s serious business. As for clothing, think about what you’ll be doing on the court, besides perfecting your menacing Pickleball stare: moving around, getting sweaty, etc. Most Pickleball players want to be comfortable and efficient, so stick to sweat-wicking materials and sensible shoes that are good for court surfaces. Here is a short video of some people just playing Pickleball for fun! The best part, other than demolishing your opponent, is the cool sound the ball makes when it hits the Pickleball paddle: Thanks for joining us for this Pickleball edition of How To Play! Sources:  

Do’s and Don’ts of Grammar

Undoubtedly, grammar is an essential component of writing. If you don’t have good grammar, you will struggle to convey the idea or message that you want to get across to your audience. However, if you’re like most people, you need to freshen up your grammar skills every once in a while. This is especially true if you have gone an extended period of time without writing. Chances are, you’ve referred to one of the various websites on the internet that are intended to help readers improve their grammar. While these websites can be a good place to start, it can also be easy to feel overwhelmed by these websites. When it comes to improving your grammar, it is definitely best to start small. Fortunately, here at Monkey Pickles, we want our Monkey Picklers to have impeccable grammar. Here are a few of the most important “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of grammar. As long as you adhere to these “Do’s” and “Don’ts” religiously, you will never have an issue with your grammar.

DO Use Uncomfortable Words Like “Sensuous” to Describe Inane Things

No matter how stellar your grammar, you will fail to impress others with your writing unless you also have a vast vocabulary. Whenever you write, it is vital that you incorporate the biggest and most complex words you know as frequently as possible. In fact, you should use a vocabulary word even if you don’t know what it means as long as it will make you sound impressive. Of course, the process of ramping up your vocabulary can be long and arduous. Fortunately, you can start by incorporating the word “sensuous” and other uncomfortable words into your vocabulary. Use these words to describe the most inane of things. If you’re worried that other people will criticize you for such a habit, don’t worry about it. As long as you use these words with confidence and conviction, no one will ever question you. Rather, people will come to admire and respect you for your vocabulary and stellar grammar.

DON’T Have An Aneurysm Over Affect and Effect

Of course, your primary goal is to improve your grammar. However, even if you want to improve your grammar, you shouldn’t become a stickler for grammar or a dreaded “Grammar Nazi.” This is especially true when it comes to the little things, such as the difference between “affect” and “effect.” While it’s always great to know the difference between the two words, the truth is that the two words are interchangeable. Whether you use the word “affect” or “effect,” your reader will have absolutely no problem knowing exactly what you mean. Therefore, there is absolutely no point in having an aneurysm over the difference between “affect” and “effect.” If you don’t know the difference now, don’t bother learning. Instead, focus on more important grammar rules that will actually have an impact on the ability of readers to comprehend your writing. Time is limited nowadays and you definitely don’t want to waste your time no matter what.

DO Use Punctuation As Much As Possible

Another way that you can improve your grammar is by using punctuation as much as possible. Littering your writing with punctuation will show your readers that you have an excellent grasp of grammar, particularly when it comes to punctuation. The truth is that readers frankly consider commas and periods boring. They’re tired of seeing the same punctuation marks time after time and long for the day when common use of more exciting punctuation like exclamation marks become the norm. If you fail to use question marks, exclamation marks, parentheses, hyphens, and quotation marks as much as possible, your audience will simply view you as boring and unworthy of respect. Don’t be surprised if your reader moves on to a different piece of work if all you use is boring commas and periods all day long.

DON’T Avoid Sentence Fragments and Run-On Sentences

Whatever you do, you should not avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences at all costs. In fact, when it comes to having good grammar, run-on sentences and sentence fragments should be your best friend. Sentence fragments are particularly useful when you want to emphasize a point or make your writing more dramatic. Therefore, you should try to use sentence fragments for at least every other sentence. If possible, all of your writing should consist of sentence fragments for maximum effect. Whenever you don’t use sentence fragments, you should use run-on sentences instead. Run-on sentences are perfect for when you want to get your point across in the most complex and convoluted way possible. If you want to have greater authority when it comes to your writing, you should try to use a few run-on sentences every once in a while. Not only will your readers be impressed, but your writing will be far more clear.

What Do Monkeys Eat

Unfortunately for monkeys, there are no all-you-can-eat buffets in the middle of the jungle, which means they have to get creative with their meals. While some of the cuisine is seemingly mundane, there are other items that will make you cringe. Below are some of the treats and entrees they get to dine on in the wild.


Monkeys eat a whole variety of fruits including the classic banana, but it’s not because they’re watching calories or trying to sculpt their bodies. On the contrary, many fruits are found in the trees and are an easy, low-risk way to eat without becoming exposed to predators. Monkeys are intelligent creatures, and it makes sense they’d decide to dine in instead of going for take-out food. The jungle is a mean place nowadays, and there aren’t many Taco Bells opening up in downtown Junglia.


Bugs are not what most humans would consider an entree, but monkeys are far less pretentious when it comes to sticking spiders, ants or other creepy-crawlies in their mouth. A monkey has got to eat something other than bananas, right? There are so many different types of insects in the jungle, it only makes sense for monkeys to dig in. Bugs are a good source of protein and they don’t put up much of a fight.

Tree Bark & Sap

When food supplies run short, some monkeys turn to a rough alternative to make it through the day. They will actually eat tree bark and tree sap in order to stave off hunger. Not all types of monkeys will do this, but most will. It’s hard to believe that a monkey would consider something so bland and abrasive as an entree, but monkeys are not ordinary creatures. They are not worried about having hard times when it comes to dinner.


When it comes to being hungry, monkeys don’t play around and there is no shame in their game. If there is no other food source, there are some species of monkey that will drop to the ground and eat dirt, in an effort to live. Talk about a survival instinct. It’s a tribute to the determination and perseverance of monkeys that they would stoop so low, only to swing high in the future. Monkeys are certainly entertaining creatures. They have to get creative when it comes to lunch and dinner, and their choices can be a little eye-opening. In a figurative sense, monkeys must have stomachs made of iron if they can eat things like bark, insects and even flowers.