How To Shave Your Balls: A Cautionary Tale

Shaving your balls can be a dangerous and harrowing activity. No one knows that better than Baldric Bartleby, a peppy young fellow with an unfortunate tale.


Bentwoods Country Club is famous for its tennis courts. All summer long, the squeak of sneakers and the pop of the rackets ring out. Like any country club, the place is filled with people throwing their money around. This creates stiff competition among upstanding local youth for summer jobs, particularly the job of ball chaser. The ball chasers, of course, chase tennis balls. They gather them up, check the balls and sort through them to throw away the bad ones. (A bad tennis ball is one that becomes fuzzy from use; when hit, these fuzzy balls curve and wobble in the air.) One day, a ball chaser was complaining to another co-worker about the waste of throwing the fuzzy balls away. The owner of the club overheard him and asked what he meant. After all, the Bentwoods clientele should play with only the roundest, smoothest balls! Now, the ball chaser had really only been blowing off some steam, but he was being put on the spot. Thinking quickly, he said, “Well, I dunno. We really only need to get the fuzziest parts off the balls. If we could shave them smooth somehow, we wouldn’t waste so many perfectly suitable balls.” The owner, forward-thinking fellow that he was, thought this was a great idea and set about to hire a ball shaver. This brings us to our hero, Baldric Bartleby. Just turning 16, Baldric was very happy to be called to an interview. He was almost hired as a ball chaser at the start of the summer, but he hadn’t been able to beat out the competition. So when the club called and asked him to come in to discuss a position, he was over the moon. Sure, he’d rather be chasing balls outside, but he needed a job too badly to be picky. The owner explained that the position was new and that Baldric would need to try a few different methods and see what worked best. But as long as he didn’t mind some experimentation, he could start the very next day. Baldric raced home with the exciting news of his first real job. “Mother, Father! I got a job, I got a job! Baldric Bartleby, Ball Shaver, at your service.” Both of his parents cringed. Baldric was too proud and excited to notice. Hoping to leave a really deep impression on his boss the next day, Baldric spent the evening thinking about ways to shave a tennis ball and gathered up anything sharp he thought might do the job. He was 10 minutes early to work the next morning, and he came with a huge grin and a duffel bag that was almost too heavy for him to carry alone. He was shown to the basement where fuzzy balls from the last week or so were collected. The room was filled with bucket after bucket of unshaven balls, unshaven balls in piles, rolling around the floor, spreading everywhere. He stood in silent awe, dollar signs in his eyes. Just look at all those glorious, unshaven balls, he thought. Bartleby unshouldered his bag, grabbed a few balls from the nearest bucket and got to work. He first tried the razor his mother used to shave her legs, but it immediately filled with fuzz. He took it apart, thinking he could use the razors inside. Holding the ball in one hand and slashing at the fuzz with the other, he quickly realized his mistake. The razor slipped off the wiry fuzz and sliced across his knuckles. A few bandages later, he was back with his father’s straight razor. Holding the ball so he wouldn’t slice his knuckles again, he tried the razor. It got stuck in the fuzz, so he gave it a yank. The blade sliced right through the fuzz and nicked him in the arm. Baldric was glad he wore his thick T-shirt! He looked at the cleaver and decided he wasn’t ready to lose a limb. Bartleby kept after his ball shaving efforts until late afternoon. He tried a cheese grater, blades from his mother’s Cuisinart, gardening shears, scissors, a paring knife, a pocketknife and finally a beard trimmer. The trimmer was the perfect tool! He finished the ball and did another one, then another. By now, he looked like he’d spent the day in a slasher movie. But Baldric had finally done it: He’d learned to shave his balls.


Take a lesson from Baldric. When you’re looking to shave the extra fuzz off your own balls at home, use something electric and preferably with guarded blades. If you try to give the tennis ball too close a shave, you might damage the outer lining, so be careful. And if you do anything, make sure you keep your knuckles and other sensitive appendages well clear of the blades.

Good luck!

Carlos Dangler Keeps It Up

( aka The Wiener Texts It All … aka Anthorny & Click-A-Picture )

Yes, that’s right folks, it seems that even after strongly implying that he definitely try thinking about possibly stopping maybe, Anthony Wiener didn’t. But stuff is hard right ? … I mean, … It’s stuff ! … And hard stuff is just the worst. Still …. that is all the more reason not to take a picture of it & send it to everyone when you’d promised not to. That is literally being a big phony. Free Shipping

After catching himself with his own pants down in 2011,

Anthony’s political career was ironically, in the toilet and flushed with success … but, again, only in the toilet sense. It seemed that the powers that be had decided that there was no place on Capital Hill for a leaky Wiener … except the toilet … but that was never going to be a workable solution, as many members of Congress are really really old. Wiener reportedly resigned so as to focus upon his family and personal life. Sadly, it seems that to achieve that focus Anthony may have had to use his “doodah” as a range finder and then have his artistic third eye appraised by an independent sexpert … pardon me … expert. Tragically, it seems all these pressures came to a head mere days before an article on the road back to a reconciled united family life was due to be published in People magazine. Anthony had gotten all texty once again. Speculation that Anthony had been under the impression that the photo shoot had been for Pee-Pee magazine has been widely discredited. Many commentators don’t feel that the private indiscretions are the contentious issue here but that it is a question of trust. Not that Anthony’s la-la wasn’t trust up securely enough but that this is a case of public trust. Apparently being unable to foresee such political banana skins and then having failed to avoid them not using them to discretely cover up his perpendicular pickle, are the sort of misjudgments that call Anthony’s suitability for a role in public office into question for many people. Are we being too hard though? And does that make us hypocrites … or is that just the case if we take a picture & send it to the affiliated press. Maybe, Anthony was confused by the meteoric rise to political stardom of Lyndon B Johnson and felt he needed to pull off a Johnson of his own. After all, President Johnson was in the papers all the time … albeit not tissue papers. Hence, in spite of being well aware that certain pictures would inevitably become public, Anthony may not have seen this as an offence he couldn’t jump clear of even if he did knock off a post on the way to winning the race for Mayor of New York. There are even characteristics that we should perhaps admire about a running Wiener that can handle plenty of exposure & shows no sign of wilting under pressure. He certainly is exhibiting staying power and, as yet, shows no signs of pulling out because of a sudden rush of blood. If he wins, hopefully it will be on merit. No one is giving him this job & thankfully no pictures of Anthony being given a job have come to light recently. Anthony’s bid should deliver on issues ( not a typo ) and should not catch the public’s eye with hard to swallow speculation. Speculations such as the plainly ridiculous claims that if victorious, Anthony would renege upon daytime obligations and turn out to be a night mayor. Whatever will be, will be and, thus far, Anthony Wiener remains in the race to become Mayor Of New York. Political commentators are hoping there won’t be a photo finish.

The Big Banana Car

banana mobile oscar mayer weiner mobile big car
via Imgur

Have you ever seen the big banana car driving around? Where would you drive the banana car if you had it for a day?

Household Uses for Baking Powder

Do you have a giant supply of baking powder going to waste? Believe it or not, you are not alone. There are many ways to wind up with an excess of baking powder, and unless you need to make muffins and quick-breads daily to fulfill a dietary deficiency, (man, what a delicious health issue to come down with, am I right?) it is hard to get through a large supply a few teaspoons at a time. Whether you won a lifetime supply of the popular leavening agent in a radio contest touting your unprecedented knowledge of SpongeBob SquarePants, got the least exciting inheritance ever heard of, or fell prey to those door-to-door baking supply salesmen that are surprisingly good at their jobs, the truth remains that you need to find a way to use the stuff. Let this article offer you some timely inspiration.

Gaining Intellectual Authority

For some reason, this society has come to connect age with wisdom. Whoever decided that the elderly have more intelligence and experience than us younger citizens have clearly never seen my crazy great-uncle yelling at the DVD player to return his pop-tart or have ever tried to walk their grandma through changing the time on the oven after Daylight Savings. Fortunately, this connection can work to your advantage when you have a huge supply of unwanted baking powder. Dust some of that in your hair, and use the ensuing salt-and pepper effect to make others think you are older and wiser than you appear.

Sick Days

Remember those volcanoes you made in elementary school using vinegar and baking soda? Well baking powder provides a very similar, yet more gentle reaction. The next time you are called on to give an answer in your History of the Unicorn class when you forgot to do the assigned reading, or want to get out of changing your mom’s new service ferret’s diaper, you can make them think you are deathly ill. A spoonful of baking powder and a swig of vinaigrette will give you a nice foam. Add some theatrical jerks like you are walking through some cobwebs and your rendition of an operatic dolphin, and you can get out of any task at all.

Show Animal Grooming

Have you been looking at your gerbil thinking surely she is the most beautiful mammal in creation? It might be time to make that rodent earn her keep by entering her in the very lucrative world of pet shows. Making a natural tooth paste with your baking powder supply will give her teeth that winning gleam. Even if she isn’t cut out for the high-fashion rodent show world, she could make some good money holding up the round cards for the controversial vermin version of the WWF.

Weaponize the Stuff

When baking powder is mixed with water, it creates a paste. When this paste dries, it becomes pretty solid. This very scientific process of astute hardenization means the paste can be molded into any shape and will harden in that shape. Knives, scythes, mallets, or those chain things with the spiky balls on the end: the sky is the limit! Your new arsenal of very ineffective weapons may not protect you against a zombie apocalypse, but it will look cool. That counts for something, right?

Stop the Runs

Did that questionable taco truck cause you to run to the bathroom every 15 minutes to do unspeakable things that even PooPouri can’t keep up with? Baking powder to the rescue! That paste it forms when mixed with water can plug up your over-zealous bowels. Chug it down, and let it do it’s thing. If you find it making things too sluggish in the digestive department, simply head back to Tito’s Taco Treasure Truck, and use his expertly crafted laxatives to get things moving again. As you can see, having a large supply of baking powder can be far more useful than you realized. It might not be the best gift to win on The Price is Right, or your favorite wedding registry mistake, but it can definitely offer you a lot of entertainment and utility.

What’s Something You Should Never Have To See Happen In Public?

Whether it’s public displays of affection or something else entirely, there are plenty of things that happen out in the open every day that you just shouldn’t have to ever see.

What’s Something You Should Never Have To See Happen In Public?


A Marvelous Little Instrument


A distinguished young woman on a flight from Switzerland asked the priest beside her, “Father, may I ask a favor?” “Of course. What may I do for you?” “Well, I bought an expensive electronic hair dryer that is well over the customs limits and I’m afraid they’ll confiscate it. Is there anyway you could carry it through Customs for me? Under your robes perhaps?” “I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you: I will not lie.” “With your honest face, Father, no one will question you.” When they got to Customs, she let the priest go ahead of her. The official asked, “Father, do you have anything to declare?” “From the top of my head down to my waist, I have nothing to declare.” The official thought this answer strange, so asked, “And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?” “I have a marvelous little instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, to date, unused.” Roaring with laughter, the official said, “Go ahead, Father. Next!” Source

Hold The Mayo (And Save A Life: His)!


He has been living in Sacramento,

California for about five months now after moving here from his Midwestern hometown. The differences he has encountered are legion and would take tens of thousands of words to document. Since moving to Sac in Cali(he thinks talking that way makes him sound all California-cool), he has started writing articles for a local online “newspaper”, the Sacramento Press. He writes about various things, most having to do with the culture shock he has experience since moving. Recently, he wrote a 500+ work article on California’s apparent obsession with mayonnaise as a condiment. After reading what he had wrote, it made him pause and question the state of his current sanity!

Yes, you are not having delusions,

at least not any caused by his article or mine. You read the words correctly. A 553 word article on mayonnaise as a condiment. We are not talking about mayonnaise in potato salad or tuna salad or egg salad. We are talking about mayonnaise on the buns which hold your hamburger, on the buns that hold your hot dogs, spread on the bread which holds sandwiches of various kinds. His roommate even uses mayonnaise with french fries the way that most people use ketchup with fries(like a normal person). She jokes that if terrorists or a hit man(is it more politically correct to say hit person?) wanted to get to her(why either would want to do so, I have no idea), they would get to her by slipping a poison into her jar of mayonnaise. Since she is the one doing most of the meal preparation in the house, this means that he may become an innocent bystander taken out by her hypothetical terrorists and hit men(hit people?).

He doesn’t want to be rude and not eat what she prepares.

That, and the fact that his food prep skills are limited to PB&J and Ramen soup primarily. But he also doesn’t want to die at the hands of mayo-poisoning terrorists. Once he figures out how to handle this touchy subject, he may move on to his next big project—ending her crusade to get him to eat things like beets and squash and enjoy them.    

iscream Dessert Scented Pillows

WARNING: Do not eat these pillows. Giant cookies and cupcake

iscream Chocoholic! Chocolate Scented Candy Chip Cookie Microbead Pillow

 in stock
as of April 5, 2024 6:38 am


  • There's always room for one more fun, bright, comfy, crazy throw pillow - especially when it's as fun as this chocolate-scented treat of a pillow
  • This full-color, photo-real print pillow is shaped just like a big candy chip cookie, smells as yummy as it looks and is ready to liven up any space
  • Best of all, this pillow isn't just fun to look at - this softy is filled with microbeads that move with you making it super comfortable and squishy!
  • The perfect combination of colorful fun, to-die-for design, quintessential quality and cozy comfort - just what you expect from iscream!
  • Sizable pillow measures 13" high and wide and features a photoreal print on both sides

iscream Sugar-riffic! Donut Shaped Microbead Pillow

$35.79  in stock
as of April 5, 2024 6:38 am


  • There's always room for one more fun, bright, comfy, crazy throw pillow - especially when it's as fun as this bold and bright treat of a pillow
  • This full-color, photo-real print pillow is shaped just like a donut with frosting and sprinkles galore that's ready to liven up any space
  • Best of all, this pillow isn't just fun to look at - this softy is filled with microbeads that move with you making it super comfortable and squishy!
  • The perfect combination of colorful fun, to-die-for design, quintessential quality and cozy comfort - just what you expect from iscream!
  • Sizable pillow measures 16" in diameter; PLEASE NOTE: The images show both sides of this pillow - one side is pink frosting, the other is chocolate frosting

iscream Sugarlicious! Vanilla Scented Celebration Cupcake Microbead Pillow

$44.29  in stock
as of April 5, 2024 6:38 am


  • There's always room for one more fun, bright, comfy, crazy throw pillow - especially when it's as fun as this vanilla scented treat of a pillow
  • This full-color, photo-real print pillow looks like a yummy frosted cupcake, smells as sweet as it looks and is ready to liven up any space
  • Best of all, this pillow isn't just fun to look at - this softy is filled with microbeads that move with you making it super comfortable and squishy!
  • The perfect combination of colorful fun, to-die-for design, quintessential quality and cozy comfort - just what you expect from iscream!
  • Sizable pillow measures 15" high x 12" wide; PLEASE NOTE: The images show both sides of this bi-colored pillow - one side has green frosting and the other side has blue frosting

Pillow Pets 18” Sweet Scented Strawberry Sloth Stuffed Animal Plush Toy, Multicolor

 out of stock
as of April 5, 2024 6:38 am


  • SWEET SLOTH-TIME! Sweet Scented Pillow Pets deliver the scent of yummy sweet treats in a plush you can hug. Strawberry Sloth has a scent patch that smells like strawberries - it's BERRY delicious!
  • COMFORTING COMPANIONS: Pillow Pets presents super soft, cute, & adorable stuffed animals that unfold into fuzzy pillows for sleep. Kids, teens, & adults love these classic & collectible comfy critters.
  • TRAVEL FRIEND: This plush is a pal in the day & unfastens to become a comfortable pillow at night. It’s a comfort for any child on road trips & airplanes, & is fun as boy & girl bedroom decoration.
  • BEST BUDDY: This original toy for children ages 0+ unfastens into an 18in large pillow for reading, studying, play, & nap time. It’s a cozy creature that’s surface washable and BPA & Phthalates free.
  • OFFICIAL PILLOW PETS: Scents are made in the US from sustainably harvested trees or cotton, & are certified by the International Fragrance Association, & are compliant with US & EU Toy Regulations.

Smillows - Scented Stuffed Plush Pillows (S'Mores Marshmallow) - Accent, Throw, Decorative Pillows - Kids Room Decor, Gift for Kids by Scentco

$24.99  in stock
2 new from $24.99
Free shipping
as of April 5, 2024 6:38 am


  • Smillows are super soft accent throw pillows with gourmet scented microbeads sewn right into the stuffing
  • These unique scented pillows look great on beds, couches, kids play areas, and wherever else you need extra cuteness
  • Scent-sational stuffed animal style plushie that never fail to brighten up the day and stimulate the senses
  • Scents last up to two years and come in vacuum sealed plastic

Squishmallows Official Kellytoy 5 Inch Soft Plush Squishy Toy Animals (Maya Mint Ice Cream)

$25.00  in stock
as of April 5, 2024 6:38 am


  • COLLECT THEM ALL- many characters all sizes choose from!
  • PERFECTLY SIZED SQUISHMALLOWS- These soft plush stuffed animals are warm cuddly fun and the right size for taking with you wherever you go.
  • SUPER SOFT - Made from incredibly cozy- polyester fiber, these squishy toys have a marshmallow-like texture thats pillow-soft.
  • Everyone loves Squishmellows plush toys & soft stuffed animals. Fabulous bedroom, dorm room, living room decoration. Cute plushies incredibly soft toys are perfect for playing, collecting & cuddling
  • SQUAD UP Grow your Squishmallows Squad with Courtney, a super soft, collectible plush!

PINK Funtime Candy Cloud Cotton Candy Machine

Funtime FT1000CCP Candy Cloud Cotton Candy Machine with Mobile Wheeled Cart, Pink

The Candy Cloud Machine boasts a commercial grade, 950-Watt spinner that can easily heat up in 2 minutes and operate continuously. Each cone takes about 30 seconds to make once the spinner has warmed up and the ingredients have been added. The Large Stainless Steel Bowl helps make collecting the Cotton Candy easy and gives everyone the advantage of looking like a Cotton Candy Pro! The Candy Cloud also has a built-in Stainless Steel storage drawer that makes keeping everything together easy. It has more than enough room to store Floss Sugar, spare cones, and anything else.
  • Can produce 1 Cotton Candy Cone Every 30 Seconds!
  • Fast Startup Time – Only 2 Minutes Until Machine is Hot!
  • Cotton Candy Wheeled Cart Makes Moving Unit Around Simple!
  • Perfect For Parties, Charities, Fundraisers, and Sporting Events!
  • Stainless Steel Storage Tray Allows You to Store Scoops, Cones, and Sugar

What Did You Pack For Lunch Today?

Some people like to pack their lunches. It’s fun! You can put a little napkin in there and everything.

What did you pack for lunch today?

A Police Officer Came Upon A Terrible Car Crash…


Funny Joke Of The Day

Before we commence with the joke, it’s important for you to know that a car crash can be very serious, and injuries do occur. If you’ve been involved in a car crash that wasn’t your fault, contact auto accident claims to maximize the compensation you can claim. Now onto the joke: A police officer came upon a terrible car crash where two people had been killed. As he looked at the wreckage, a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car. The officer looked down at the monkey and said, “I wish you could talk.” The monkey looked up at the officer and nodded his head. “You can understand what I’m saying?” asked the officer. Again, the monkey nodded. “Well, did you see what happened?” The monkey nodded. He pretended to have a can in his hand and turned it up to his mouth. “They were drinking?” asked the officer. The monkey nodded. The monkey then pinched his fingers together and held them to his mouth, sucking deeply. “They were smoking marijuana, too?” asked the officer. The monkey nodded. He made a sexual sign with his fingers. “So they were playing around as well!?” asked the astounded officer. Again, the monkey nodded. “Now wait, you’re saying your owners were drinking, smokiing and playing around before they wrecked the car?” The monkey nodded. “What were you doing during all this?” asked the officer. The monkey held up his hands on an imaginary steering wheel.  

Tell us what you thought of this funny joke in the comments below, and come back every day for the Funny Joke Of The Day!

(Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

8 Funny Words That Start With P

Could you possibly have predicted this list of funny words that start with P? Probably not.

1. Persnickety

If you’re persnickety, it means you’re turning into your mother. That is, if your mother was overly picky about things. Not just picky. Overly picky. Being persnickety is a real PIA for other folks to put up with. You should probably try to relax the reins a little if this describes you.

2. Pooh-Pooh

If you pooh-pooh somebody else’s idea, you aren’t even giving it a chance. You’re dismissing it out of hand. And hand and pooh-pooh don’t go well together, do they? But boy, is it fun to say. “Say, Brian, I was thinking we should put a bottled water machine inside the movie theater.” “Pooh-pooh. That’s a terrible idea.”

3. Polliwog

Are you and your girl trying to come up with some new pet names for each other? If you’ve used up “honey bear” and “sweetums,” why not try “polliwog” on for size? You can spring it on her one day after you enjoy some frog’s legs for lunch at a fancy restaurant. “No, no, my little polliwog, I’ll get the check.”

4. Playful

You don’t think playful is a funny word? It can be if you use it properly. “My you have such a [big, long pause] playful child. Emphasize playful like it hurts you just to say it.” Or, while you’re interviewing a job candidate: “You have such a playful sense of humor.” Don’t smile as you say this. Look down at your paper and follow up with “Thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch.”

5. Plonker

You have to hand it to the British when it comes to great words. A plonker is a real git. An idiot of the royal order. “You plonker! Can’t you do anything right?” Its original meaning is something very large that just sits there. Like “just plonk that down anywhere.” But now it’s a really good word you can use for someone you want to have fun with.

6. Prat

You can thank the Brits for this one, too. A prat is someone who thinks he’s too good for his britches. An uptight person who feels he is better than anyone else. Thankfully, prats seem to be all male. There have never been any instances of female prats in the history of the word. Don’t look that up. Just believe me.

7. Phat

If you say something is phat nowadays, it’s a good thing. Unless you say fat, which is usually thought of as a bad thing. Unless you can’t help it because of your thyroid or something. If you do say phat, make sure you really emphasize the “ph” because you don’t want to come across wrong. Really sink those teeth into the “ph” sound.

8. Pothead

Now that the country (or at least one state) seems to be embracing Mary Jane as a medical remedy, do we have to get rid of the derogatory word “pothead?” I’d like to keep using it. It was a great first-generation GPS locator for finding people in high school. “I can’t find Jessica.” “She’s over there with the potheads.” “Oh, I see her. Thanks.”

Muscle Building Diet

This is a generalized muscle building diet plan. This plan is not catered or designed for anyone one specific person. If you would like a customized diet plan for muscle building based on your specific needs please contact us. Meal 1 1 cup of oatmeal Protein shake (if you want an extra boost then add a superfood powder like this green powder for shakes) 6-8 Egg whites 3 whole eggs   Meal 2 5-8 oz protein (beef or chicken) 1 cup rice 1 cup green vegetables   Meal 3 5-8 oz protein (beef or chicken) 1 cup rice 1 cup green vegetables Meal 4 5-8 oz protein (beef or chicken) 1 cup rice 1 cup green vegetables protein shake Meal 5 4-6 oz lean protein (white fish, chicken, ground turkey)

Lisa Wilkinson’s Review Destroys 50 Shades Of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2011 erotic romance novel by British author E. L. James. It is the first installment in the Fifty Shades trilogy that traces the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey. It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism (BDSM). Originally self-published as an ebook and a print-on-demand, publishing rights were acquired by Vintage Books in March 2012. The second and third volumes, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, were published in 2012. Fifty Shades of Grey has topped best-seller lists around the world, including those of the United Kingdom and the United States. The series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide and been translated into 52 languages, and set a record in the United Kingdom as the fastest-selling paperback of all time. Critical reception of the book, however, has been mixed, with the quality of its prose generally seen as poor. Universal Pictures and Focus Features produced a film adaptation, which is scheduled for release on 13 February 2015. Source: Wikipedia

Go Lisa Wilkinson

#50shadesofgrey #fifityshadesofgrey

Great Foods To Serve At Your Wedding Reception

You’re engaged! It’s time to plan the wedding. No problem, right? Ha! If you’re in the midst of arguing about what to serve at your reception, stop right there and let us save your marriage. No more stressing over fish or chicken or beef (and what to offer those pesky vegan and gluten-free friends). Just take these suggestions and run with them.


Who doesn’t love candy? You do, don’t you? It’s your day and it should be fun. And it’s an objective truth that nothing is more fun than candy. Serve an appetizer of gummy bears, an entree of chocolate bars, and offer all-day suckers or Dum Dums, depending how you feel about your family.


We all hope that when our guests are eating, we’ll satisfy their hunger and make them smile. And McDonald’s is sure to satisfy their hunger, at the very least. Everyone loves their fries. And if you get the Happy Meals, your guests can take the toys home with them, so you don’t have to bother with party favors. Ordering McDonald’s is cheap, it’s easy, and it’s one less thing (or two less things! Happy Meals!) for you to worry about. Sure, some people hate McDonald’s. They can have a Dum Dum if they have a problem with it.

Bendy Straws

If you don’t have bendy straws, you aren’t having fun. That’s not a wedding rule, just a general life rule. You can’t eat bendy straws, but you will want them on your tables. A bendy straw brings smiles! No matter what drinks are served, from wine to beer to soda, a bendy straw just makes it taste better. So even if the McDonald’s isn’t very hot when it arrives, the straws will save the day. Note that bendy straws aren’t typically offered at high-end restaurants, so take some along on your honeymoon so you can whip them out and actually enjoy the classy joints you’ll be treating yourselves to.

Childhood Favorites

If you want to please the masses, why not go retro? Choose some favorite foods from your childhood. Buy a bunch of those cheap frozen pizzas or Kraft macaroni  and cheese. (We recommend using coupons if possible, or maybe asking guests to bring a dollar to cover their dinner. Weddings can get really expensive!)

Ballpark Favorites

If you’re feeling too much pressure to host, take the reception somewhere else. We suggest a ballpark. They have lots of room and no one cares if your party is a little noisy. Now, most catering companies probably won’t deliver to ballparks. Thankfully, ballparks usually sell food and drinks. Sure, they’re a little expensive, but you aren’t paying for them! Too many people to keep track of.

Vending Machines

We have all been to a wedding with a cash bar, so why not a cash dinner service? Set up vending machines all around the reception area, and stock them with anything you think your guests will pay for. Maybe even a sandwich machine or two. Make sure your invitations specify to bring cash, specifically lots of singles.

Chinese Fortune Cookies

For dessert, pick up a box of these suckers. You can get fortune cookies in bulk for a great price on Amazon. Way cheaper than offering cake or designer cupcakes.