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Don’t Be A Valentine Scrooge!

I admit it.  I am a mushy romantic.

And I know for a fact I’m not alone. So, those of you who roll your eyes when someone mentions Valentine’s Day, and argue that it is a contrived holiday – please take note that in actuality Hallmark did not invent it.

Mushiness has been around for centuries, and the act of giving one a handwritten card, candy and flowers started in 18th Century England.

I know it kinda sucks on February 14th when the only “love” you have is your cat.  And let’s face it – cats were put on this world to receive, not give – so  don’t go expecting anything special from your cute little fur ball.

I remember being alone on Valentine’s Day,

praying someone would send me flowers or a little somethin’ somethin’.  Anything.  Luckily I’m married to someone who appreciates my romantic side, and I’ve not  had to worry about feeling loved on February 14th. (Or any other day of the year, for that matter!)

I decorate my house for Valentine’s Day. Yes, I am one of “those” people that love hearts.  And red lips. (Oh, how I love red lips!)


One year, I’d not sent out Christmas cards and sent Valentines instead.  It gave me pleasure – and was a complete surprise to the recipients.  I still have one stalker   unknown admirer, but only one.  Not bad odds for sending out two-hundred Valentines.  

Valentine’s Day really isn’t about “forced” love.  It isn’t the one day a year that you finally show someone you care.  No, Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to shower that special someone with more affection than normal.  Even better, it’s a great day to send an anonymous card to a secret crush.  (Now that is a rush, let me tell you!)

If you haven’t done anything yet for Valentine’s Day,

I encourage you to think outside the heart-shaped box.  Yes, chocolates and flowers are wonderful – but how about some tulips and daisies mixed in with the obligatory red roses?  Or maybe a hard to find book or a DVD of 9 ½ weeks paired with chocolate dipped strawberries and a bottle of champagne.  (Yes, there is much more to this suggestion than meets the eye, trust me!)

Those of you that are “Valentine Scrooges” or “Heart Grinches”, I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and give someone a Valentine.  Even if it’s to the mailman or (especially) your mother. You will love the feeling of love.  There is something very special about paying love forward.  It truly comes back to bless you on many levels.

So…Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all of you.

Here’s a big hug and kiss.  My address will be listed below for the delivery of the flowers.  And candy. And champagne.  No stress, I promise.



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