Signs You Might Be Brain Dead

Have you ever said to yourself, “Why did I do that,” or, “What was I thinking”? Do you say these things to yourself often? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s a good chance you might be brain dead. Even if you think you can’t be brain dead because you’re alive and walking around, you could be brain dead. Plenty of people are, they just don’t know it. That bicyclist, who just rode out right in front of your car? Brain dead. The newspaper delivery boy who keeps throwing your paper in the neighbor’s yard? Brain dead. Your son-in-law, who still can’t remember that your dog is a “she”? Brain dead.

Telltale Signs You’re Brain Dead

The first step on the road to recovery is to recognize that you are brain dead. Here are the telltale signs that you’re brain dead. If the following scenarios are true about you, seek help immediately.
  • You have, on more than one occasion, found refrigerator items inside your cupboard.
  • You spend more than 10 minutes looking for your keys every morning.
  • Your “computa” did something with your files and you can’t find them.
  • You keep dating the same personality type. They consistently use you for your money.
  • You honestly can’t remember why you pushed the nuclear reactor emergency button.
  • Last week you woke up in bed with a geranium. You’re pretty sure you kissed it during the night.
  • At last count, seven people have told you that your head looks like it’s shrinking.
  • Your mother has stopped nagging you and started offering for you to come live in her basement.
  • At the zoo, a gorilla made eye contact and held out his hand for you to join him. You joined him.
  • The last time you relaxed in your backyard, a vulture landed on your chest and tried to peck you.

How To Handle Being Brain Dead

Once you recognize that you’re brain dead, it’s time to make amends to those you’ve hurt. Talk to your spouse. Explain that you’re sorry that you keep leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor. Explain that you can’t help it because you’re brain dead, but that you’re happy to buy new towels each week to make up for it. Confess to your boss that you’re the one who’s been exploding soup in the microwave and not cleaning it up. Offer to work weekends to compensate, but explain that you might not actually do it because of your brain deadness. Ask forgiveness from the friends you borrowed lawn equipment from. You’re sorry you didn’t refill the gas tank. Explain your medical condition and ask if you can do their taxes as a return favor. Don’t worry. They’ll never take you up on it.

Living With Brain Deadness

Brain deadness is a lifelong condition that has no cure. It’s likely that you’ll continue to piss people off your whole life. Your best best is to live with it as best you can. Enjoy the moments in life that make you happiest. Don’t try to solve problems or get ahead in life. You’ll only be disappointed in yourself. Be content. Make compromises. Settle for less. Therein lies your happiness, my friend. The rest of us will clean up your messes. We’ll turn off the gas burners on the stove after you’ve left the room. We’ll make sure the iron is disconnected, and we’ll pay the credit card bills on time. Fly low, little sparrow. Fly low.

Household Uses For Enzymes

Do you know what enzymes are? Scientifically speaking, they are biological catalysts which can catalyze or accelerate chemical reactions. Normally speaking, enzymes are some sort of chemicals mixed with other chemicals to do some jobs faster and better. There are many ways you can put these enzymes to a very creative use. Enzymes are used extensively specially in pharma industry for a wide variety of uses because of its many beneficial factors. But, if you are a science geek and have some spare enzymes at your disposal, you can employ the below methods to put those enzymes to a great use.

Fuel Your Vehicle On The Cheap

Bioethanol is a clean and environment friendly biofuel which has gain widespread popularity for its ability to power vehicles when mixed with petrol. And yes- it also contains enzymes in it. Wait, what? We can actually run our vehicle using some enzymes and we are spending so much our money on petrol and diesels? Shame! Don’t be like those folks and start pouring enzymes on your favorite can and motorcycle to ride them to glory! Isn’t it great? You are saving money, saving environment, saving fuel and going on long drives with your bae at the same time. I bet you wish now that you had paid some attention to your science classes in school days.

Start Your Own Beer Brand

Alcohol, beer, wines, scotches etc. are all available to us because of the existence of the enzymes in nature. Yes! Food items like beer, wine, cheese and vinegar are produced for a long time now using the enzymes present in yeast and bacteria. But, you don’t need those micro-organisms now that you have your own supply of enzymes to you. What are you waiting for then? Get out of your sweatpants and mix some grapes with the enzymes and after some days, you have your own home produced beer or wine ready to be tasted. But, it’s better to let your buddies taste it first just to be safe you know.

Wash Your Clothes

Believe it or not, the detergents you use to clean your clothes contain enzymes in it. So, if you are at a hostel far away from your home having spent all your pocket money on some other essentials like chicken and beverages and now need something to wash your clothes. Just go to your high school lab, pick up some enzymes, bring it home and pour it on your clothes to wash them clean. Now the only way to test the effectiveness of this method is by becoming the first genius in the world to perform this experiment, so go ahead and do it. And who knows? You may have your own detergent brand in the market tomorrow.

Clean Your Bin

Feeling too lazy to go out and to throw off the contents of your dustbin which is filled beyond its capacity now? There is an enzymic solution to that too! Enzymes are the stuffs which digest and decompose the food in our stomach. Enzymes have strong decomposing properties which can be put to creative uses by you in case you are feeling too lazy or too creative. Just pour some enzymes in your dustbin and close it. Check it after few days and Ta Da! All the organic waste is gone.

Do’s and Don’ts of Yeast Infections

For a number of different reasons, yeast can overgrow. The vast majority of women end up dealing with a yeast infection at least one time, if not more. In fact, you may have dealt with a yeast infection in the past. Chances are, you know from experience that yeast infections can be very painful and uncomfortable. Therefore, if you suspect that you have a yeast infection, you definitely want to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, there are many myths and misconceptions out there about the proper way to deal with a yeast infection. Fortunately, here at Monkey Pickles, we know exactly what to do when a yeast infection strikes. Forget everything that anyone has ever told about yeast infections and only consult us for accurate and effective advice about yeast infections. Since we care about our Monkey Picklers, we have compiled a list of Do’s and Don’ts of yeast infections.

DO Take Pictures and Post Them on Social Media

If you suspect that you have a yeast infection, you want to confirm that yeast overgrowth is truly the problem. Chances are, you’re thinking about having a visit to your general physician. However, this is completely the wrong way to go about diagnosing your yeast infection. The goal of a general physician is to make money so he or she will diagnose you with a yeast infection whether you truly have one or not. Therefore, the best way to determine whether you truly have a yeast infection is by consulting your friends and family. Just about every woman has had a yeast infection at some point. Accordingly, just about any women will know a yeast infection when they see one. Therefore, your best course of action is to take pictures and post them on your social media for a proper diagnosis. In fact, not only will you be able to get a good diagnosis, but you may be able to get a prescription and some qualified medical advice in the event you truly do have a yeast infection. Therefore, taking pictures and posting them on social media will definitely prove to be a win-win for you.

DON’T Shower Until the Infection Is Done

Be sure not to shower until the yeast infection is gone. Showering will only encourage the yeast to continue growing, which will only make the yeast infection worse. In fact, it is a good idea not to shower until at least a month after the yeast infection is gone. This will ensure that there is no chance that the yeast infection will come back to haunt you. Once you start showering again, be sure not use soap until a few months after the yeast infection is gone. Yeast absolutely loves soap and will grow exponentially in the presence of soapy suds. Unless you don’t mind having a yeast infection, it’s better to play it safe and not shower or use soap for a few months.

DO Use Lysol to Take Care of the Problem

Once you know for a fact that you have a yeast infection, you need to figure out a way to deal with the problem. Some of the symptoms of a yeast infection include pain when urinating, general discomfort, and a yeast odor. One of the best ways to take of a yeast infection problem is using Lysol to do the job. Not only will the Lysol kill the yeast, but you can also count on the Lysol to get rid of the smell. Be sure to apply the Lysol to the affected area at least three times a day. You definitely won’t have an odor that smells like yeast covered up in Lysol. Even after the yeast infection is gone, it is a good idea to continue using Lysol to keep the yeast infection at bay. Also, Lysol has a pH of 7.0 so you definitely don’t have to worry about the Lysol disrupting your pH balance.

DON’T Ever See Your Physician

No matter what you do, never see your physician until the yeast infection passes its course. In fact, don’t ever tell your general physician that you had a yeast infection even after the fact. If your physician finds out that you have a yeast infection, he or she will do everything in their power to ensure the yeast infection doesn’t go away. A general physician will also give you prescriptions that make the problem worse rather than better. Don’t trust the health care system, as the sole purpose of the health care system is to make money off the sick. Therefore, you should only rely on yourself and the advice of loved ones to remain healthy and happy. Honestly, there’s no point in seeing a general physician for any reason.

Pepe The Frog: He Came From A Mud Puddle

Meet Pepe. Pepe is a frog. It’s okay; he knows and he’s fine with it. Pepe the Frog, not to be confused with Pepe Le Pew (they hate each other), is a laid-back frog who was born in a mud puddle after the harsh rains of a hurricane. No “lily pad” upbringing for Pepe, strictly mud puddles and Florida heat. He never knew his parents; Pepe grew up on the streets, scrounging for bugs any way he could. He’s been kissed by a lot of drunk girls who believe he might be their Prince Charming. Unfortunately, he’s just a frog. But those kisses are the reason he can usually be found at Senor Frog’s during happy hour, telling all the ladies he’s the model for the brand. (He’s not, but don’t let on; it could really kill the party.) He collects kisses and never dissuades the ladies from trying. Pepe believes that all amphibians matter, and for that reason, he is best friends with a number of salamanders, mudpuppies and toads. Pepe sees no distinction. We’re all amphibians, he says. All for one and one for all. Today finds Pepe a bit down in the dumps. Once again confused for Kermit, Pepe signs an autograph, forging a frog’s name that just isn’t his. (Could be worse, he thinks to himself. Last week, a little old lady asked him to sing a Looney Tunes ditty, confusing him for Michigan J. Frog, which was just so embarrassing.) Pepe wishes the masses were clamoring for his autograph the way they do for Kermit’s. Sigh. Maybe someday. Pepe just needs to score his own 15 minutes of fame; but how? Go viral? What are frogs good for but jumping? While he can jump pretty doggone far, 20 times his own body length (not to brag, but Pepe’s length is impressive), he’s pretty sure a video of him jumping will never go viral. Aha! It seems the presidential race is in turmoil. Everyone’s looking for a hero. Why not a third-party candidate with an honest upbringing, shiny green skin, great big trusting eyes, a winning smile … and no horns or tail? Yes! A run for president! Pepe for President. Just has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it? He’ll grab his 15 minutes, and turn it into eight years. (“Four more years! Four more years!”) Ah, to make the White House his home. It already has a swimming pool, why not add a picturesque pond? It will be his first order of business; after allowing equal rights for all amphibians, providing a safe haven for everyone, and getting rid of pesticides. Pesticides? Who needs ‘em when you’ve got frogs around?

Do’s and Don’ts of Perms

Once upon a time and long, long ago… in the 1990s, perms were, like, all the rage. And if it tells you something, even the guys were charging into their local salon and begging for their very own perms. It was the best of times for perm lovers and the worst of times if you weren’t in on the trend. Of course, as the fashion-forward connoisseur that you are, you’ve realized that everything old is new again, and perms… well, perms are back in style. Without wasting a second, you sprinted down to your favorite beautician and asked— no, beseeched them for your very own perm. You’re probably staring at yourself right now, mirror in one hand, smartphone in the other. But wait! You remember you once heard something about how to care for a perm after you’ve gotten one. What were all those lifesaving, perm-protecting rules you heard all those years ago? After all, it was the 1990s, and any knowledge from pre-Web 2.0 days is likely completely and totally lost forever and ever. Well, don’t worry, our favorite Monkey Picklers, because we don’t monkey around when it comes to haircare. We’ve dug through the deepest portions of the Internet to bring you the “Do’s” and Don’ts” of Perms.

DO Strut Down the Street Like an Award-Winning Celebrity

Now that you’ve captured everything amazing about the 1990s, you’re ready to hit the ground running, literally! You’re going to be the talk of the town, even if you aren’t sporting your old JNCO pants and best flannel shirt. So let’s waste no time at all getting out there and showing those people what we have. Really, this one couldn’t be more simple, but in case there’s any confusion, be sure to grab a YouTube video to get the walking part down pat.

DO Avoid the Sun Like You’re a Real True Vampire

The sun is the mortal enemy of a fresh, amazing perm. Let those rays hit your curly locks, and they’ll melt like some smelly teen spirit (seriously, you can never have enough cheesy 1990s references in an article about perms). Instead, don your most menacing black cape and shade that glorious hairdo for all it’s worth. And while you’re strutting down the street, all you’ll need to do is drape your cape to escape that sunshine. Put it right over top for some shade and the perfect combo to get all the attention.

DON’T Try to Dry Your Hair with the Hand Dryer at a Local Restaurant

There you are, enjoying a nice casual meal at your favorite sandwich shack, and you get an idea. You’re not allowed to wash your newly permed hair, but letting it dry is perfectly okay. Why not speed up the process? After all, if drying is good, faster drying must be even better! Off you go to the bathroom to find the hand dryer and put your plan into action. Guess what? Your wonderful perm will grow to the size of a large poodle. Now, we at Monkey Pickle love that look, but you might not.

DON’T Try to Get Tangles Out Using Your Fork, Toothbrush, or Garden Tool

Probably one of the most irritating parts of having a perm is getting tangles. When it comes to curly hair, it seems like a snag or twist is always getting caught up in itself. The urge to undo those tangles and right your wickedly luxurious hair will be so overwhelming, many people have been found doing so just about every and anywhere. “But Monkey Pickle, please, please, please let me just stick my fork in my hair while I’m at the dinner table and untangle it!” The answer, my dear, sweet Monkey Picklers, is “no.” Keep those implements out of your perm! With these tips, you’re going to be looking soooooo good with that perm. Let’s hear what other long forgotten secrets of perm care you’ve got locked away behind those locks.

Do’s and Don’ts of Recycling

We’re getting sick and tired of hearing all about the need for recycling. All this blathering about everyone having to do their part, make the world a better place for future generations. What a load of hassle. The earth has taken care of itself for thousands of years, and there’s no way that 10 million plastic bottles in the ocean is going to change all that. Besides, recycling is just one big time suck. Since when did throwing something away become so freaking complicated? Now you can’t just toss a plastic container into the garbage bin and be done with it. You have to squint at this teensy tiny little writing inside a weird—and frankly, Masonic-looking triangle—on the bottom of the package and see what “category” of recycling it belongs to. Please. Ain’t got time for that. With that said, here are the REAL ways to recycle – or not.

DO drink water exclusively from plastic bottles

They say that water in plastic bottles is no better than the water from your own tap. But that’s probably just propaganda from the water companies, who want you to use more city water. Anyway, did you know that city water also includes toilet water? So your tap water today might have been somebody’s toilet water yesterday. Bottled water, on the other hand has been purified. It says so, right there on the label. Does your kitchen faucet say “purified?” No. Didn’t think so. So definitely keep loading up on pallets and pallets of bottled water so you can always be sure of drinking purified water from the source.

DON’T bother bringing your own bags to the grocery store

Those cardboard bins that stores have in front where you can stuff your used plastic bags are there for a reason. So you can stuff your bags in, then the store cleaner comes along at night and empties the cardboard bin – into the trash can. They’re all going in the same place. To the landfill. So whether you use 10 plastic bags this year or 10,000, plastic bags will still get mass produced and still get dumped at the landfill. Save your time and stop feeling guilty about not doing your part.

DO pretend to recycle when others are watching

This is called covering your social a*&. You have to be careful, especially at work, to look like you’re an “avid” recycler. Recycling is really trendy right now and if you blithely toss your microwave containers into the trash, you’ll look like a non-conformist. Ultimately, this can cost you a raise. Companies like people who do everything the same. You don’t want to stand out. So go ahead and throw those used plastic sporks into the recycling bin that some bored receptionist placed in the office kitchen. You can always fish them out and move them to the regular trash can later, when no one’s looking.

DON’T buy items that say the container is made with “post-consumer goods”

This means the package has been made from recycled materials, which is totally gross. Just think of all the trash that goes into a bin. A lot of people recycle used tissues, even when they’ve had a cold. So that package of pasta could be made with cardboard that was pressed up against someone’s snotty tissue. Eww. Make a stand with your consumer dollars and don’t buy from companies that use recycled packaging.

Gather ‘Round

Gather ’round those you love, or at the very least, those who will feed you.          

8 Funny Words That Start With V

Some letters try to be all that, when they really aren’t. Take V. The letter V is a part of W, A, M, N, Y, and Z. (Yeah, that’s right, lying on your side and trying to be sneaky.) V is like the spare part of the alphabet. Like one of those rusty old pieces of junk you have lying around in your garage and you pick it up and say, “I guess I could make something out of this.” But V still tries to be all sophisticated, right? Check out these V words.

1. Variable

This is a word that you hear being bandied about in snooty financial offices. It’s perfect for V because the people who use it like to put on airs, too. “There are simply too many variables for me to give you a straight answer. Just let me keep beating around the bush until I wear you out.”

2. Variance

A variance is a departure from the rules. Like if you want to build a shed on your property, but there’s a regulation against it, the town council can give you a variance. You can usually get a variance if you a) are friends with the councilman, b) are the councilman’s son’s baseball coach, or c) have buckets of money and everybody in town wants some. Seriously, that’s how it happens.

3. Veritable

Veritable is such a unique word that is has no synonyms. It means real or genuine. It’s perfect with the other words we’ve covered so far. Let’s try it out. “This variable variance is a veritable disgrace.”

4. Vexed

“Oh, now you’ve vexed me.” See that? It means angered, but it’s a lot less potent than anger. If you’re vexed, it means your brow might be a little furrowed, or you might shake your head a little bit. But you’re still willing to hold hands. If your boyfriend or girlfriend ever expresses vexation at you, don’t even worry about it. You just do you.

5. Vocal

Obviously, if you’re vocal you like to talk a lot. Saying that someone is vocal is never a good thing. It’s a nice way of saying that you wish they’d shut up. “Gee, your dog is really vocal, isn’t he?” That’s code for,  “One more night of barking and I’m calling animal control.”

6. Vamp

Vamp is so weird. It’s used mostly as an insult, but it just refers to showing off. The word sounds like a cross between a hooker and a floozy. Well, hookers do show off. And floozies do flounce. So vamp would be a great new word for that.

7. Viceroy

A viceroy is the ruler of a country, and it sounds regal. Viceroy [insert your name]. Don’t you just love the sound of that?

8. Vacillate

“Tee hee hee!” Stop that. To vacillate simply means to waver between two or more choices. As in, “I’m vacillating between marrying the viceroy or the vamp. But the viceroy is too vocal and the vamp is too variable. The decision really has me vexed.”

What Would You Do If Your Car Couldn’t Start This Morning?

It’s never fun when it happens, but it does from time to time. (Or more often than that, if your car isn’t reliable.)

What Would You Do If Your Car Couldn’t Start This Morning?

A Teacher Calls Her First Grade Class In From Recess…


Funny Joke Of The Day

A teacher calls her first grade class from recess. She goes up to little Sally and asks, “Sally, what did you do at recess?” “I played in the sandbox,” Sally replied sweetly. “Good. Now, if you can spell the word ‘sand’ on the blackboard, I’ll give you a fresh-baked cookie,” the teacher said. Sally spells the word correctly and gets a cookie. Then comes little Billy. “Billy, what did you do at recess?” “I played in the sandbox with Sally,” says Billy with a smile. “Good. Now, if you can spell the word ‘box’ on the blackboard, I’ll give you a fresh-baked cookie,” says the teacher. So he spells it right and gets a cookie. Then comes in little Mohammed from recess. “Mohammed, what did you do at recess?” “Billy and Sally threw rocks at me!” he says, tears in his eyes. “Hmm, that sounds like blatant racial discrimination,” says the teacher. “If you can spell ‘blatant racial discrimination’ on the blackboard, I’ll give you a fresh-baked cookie.”  

Tell us what you thought of this funny joke in the comments below, and come back every day for the Funny Joke Of The Day!

  (Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

Will Ferrell BAT Fight…

His hair is so soft and smooth like fresh from the salon. Or he just got done shooting a Herbal Essence commercial. Monkey Pickles videos will also soon to be coming on Funny or Die stay tuned. Maybe a few last man standing Big Red Wiffle Ball Bat matches or BRWBB for tradtionalists. Goofballs United !! ummm the smell of a spring breeze is nice.

Dazzling Halloween Spectacular

This Is Halloween

So says the spooky house. Keep an eye out ( not literally, although that would be in the holiday spirit ) for the child escaping from it’s frightening foyer.

What Does Everyone Eat That Should Never Be Considered Food?

Everyone has a dish they really love. But for every person who loves that dish, there’s another person who finds it utterly disgusting.

What Does Everyone Eat That Should Never Be Considered Food?

Ants Not Pants

Q. How does the Marvel cinematic universe get bigger than saving the Earth from a plummeting meteor-like city?  A. It doesn’t. It gets smaller, much, much smaller. ant-697329_640 Paul Rudd is cast as Scott Lang, a Robin Hood style burglar with a masters degree in electronic engineering. We meet him just as he is getting out of prison. Lang struggles to hold on to work due to his prison record and can’t satisfy the conditions laid down by his ex-wife in order to be allowed to see their daughter. Eventually, Lang agrees to join his former cellmate in burglarizing “this old guy’s house”. This opportunity, however, is quickly revealed to be a test baited by inventor of the Antman suit, Dr. Hank Pym ( Michael Douglas ). Pym is running out of time to recruit someone to wear his suit and stop the villain of the piece, Darren Cross ( Corey Stoll ), who is close to replicating Pym’s work. Sounds heavy, doesn’t it? But this is much more of a light humorous ride. Rudd plays Lang with a self deprecating roguish charm as Pym and his daughter ( Evangeline Lilly ) struggle to crowbar the reluctant anti-hero into the role of the Antman. Michael Douglas has plenty of screen time mentoring Lang and skillfully delivering information or backstory while also balancing out the comedy from Rudd and others. Chief comedic support is Lang’s former cellmate ( Michael Pena ) whose puppy like enthusiastic naivety is enjoyably engaging. The villain too, is refreshing. A former jilted prodigy of Pym’s, more driven by unhinged obsessive revenge upon the father figure who abandoned him than designs on money or power. Even the ants are portrayed as lovable brave loyal almost canine companions. ant-304164_640 The introduction to Scott Lang seemed much fuller than many other blockbuster Marvel characters. The humor was disarming, the character development engaging but action and sense of pace didn’t suffer because of it. A particular high point being the contrast of the frenzied action during the climatic battle between miniaturized combatants ( set in the bedroom of Lang’s daughter ) and how ridiculously tame the conflict looks to the normal sized world. If you enjoyed Guardians Of The Galaxy then I think that your money will be safely spent on Antman. Big things come in small packages.