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Wanna Write 4 Monkey Pickles?

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TOP  3 Articles will be published and will be referenced accordingly provided you have an account at Monkey Pickles as to retain rights to your article.  If not it will be referenced as a Monkey Pickles Fan with your name.


  • Be a goofball and like to be creative without taking yourself to serious
  • Must be a Fan of our Facebook Page or a Twitter follower prior to submitting your article !
  • Must be over 13 and younger than 105. (although if you are over 100 and on Facebook/ Twitter and writing consider yourself an instant winner)
  • And live in US, Canada, Austrailia, or the UK…


  • Be creative and have fun
  • Contest ends  1/1/2011 (6:00pm Central Standard time)
  • Your allowed to submit 2 articles per user. 1 has to be from a pre-selected topic, the other can be whatever you choose. Please submit your articles from the same exact email.


  • Article or thought should be less  than  600 words
  • Your allowed to submit 2 articles per user. 1 has to be from pre-selected topic, the other can be whatever you choose. Please submit your articles from the same exact email.
  • When you submit your articles please include the topic keyword in the subject line.
  • Submit your article as standard email or as an attachment in Word format (No tables, special indents, unnecessary formatting.)
  • Your allowed to submit 1 photo (providing your sure your okay with copyright stuff) with your article as an attachment not pre-formatted into the article.
  • Same Golden Rules of forum/ discussion/ comment posts apply.  You can view them on the blog footer Terms of Service or from our Facebook Fan Page under the Info Tab.

Submit your article to: [email protected]


  • What makes a Ham Sandwich taste so good ~ [HAM SANDWICH]
  • What is a Goofball/ or life of a ~ [GOOFBALL]
  • A Day in Human Hamster Ball ~ [HAMSTER]
  • There is a Monster under my bed ~ [MONSTER]
  • Why You’ve Enjoyed Monkey Pickles ~ [MONKEY PICKLES]
  • Why a yellow Banana is so special ~ [BANANA]
  • Saturday Morning Cartoons ~ [CARTOON]
  • OR
  • Whatever pops into your head and you would like to write about.. [FREE]


  • Winner will be selected on 1/17/2011 (Monday)
    • WINNER: Monkey Pickles T-Shirt of your Choice, and upgraded account to be a writer for MonkeyPickles, and $100.00

Winning the contest and be selected as a writer will require 1 more acceptance email with writer standards

We recommend you must know a little about these subjects, social media marketing, community, HTML, blogging, Facebook and Twitter.

Monkey Pickles
Monkey Pickles
Monkey Pickles is a fun social media humor community centered on everyday nonsense. We base our humor in our community, reactions and comments. We enjoy building a community of friends not just followers. If you haven't laughed yet today, something is wrong!
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