Friday, March 28, 2025
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An Old Couple Comes Across A Magic Lamp In Their Attic…

Funny Joke Of The Day

An old couple come across a magic lamp in their attic and when they rub it, a genie appears. The genie grants them each three wishes.

The old woman goes first. Not wanting to appear greedy, she says to the genie, “I wish for a new dining table.” The genie waves his hand and poof! Their dining table is replaced.

The old man follows, saying, “I wish for a new car for the two of us.” The genie waves his hand again and poof! A brand new Porsche appears in the driveway.

The old woman now says, “I wish for a new and bigger house.” The genie waves his hand and poof! They feel the floor shift as their house is changed and improved.

The old man, not wanting to be outdone, says, “I wish for $1 billion for each of us.” The genie waves his hand and poof! A cool billion is added to each of their bank accounts.

The old woman now thinks hard. They are both very rich now, but they are each about 60 years old, and old age has not been kind to them. She now says, “I wish we had our eyesight back.” The genie waves his hand and poof! Suddenly their glasses vanish, and they can see clearly.

The old man now says, “I wish I had a wife 30 years younger than me.” The genie waves his hand and poof! The man is now 90.


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(Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

Monkey Pickles
Monkey Pickles
Monkey Pickles is a fun social media humor community centered on everyday nonsense. We base our humor in our community, reactions and comments. We enjoy building a community of friends not just followers. If you haven't laughed yet today, something is wrong!
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