New Year’s Eve means cold feet.
Upon the shovel would be a peculiar collection of small items.
The coal
represents a warm house, my folks say, and not that the electricity is about to be cut off.
The piece of wood
stands for construction, then ? Apparently not. This too my folks claim is to ensure a cozy crib for the coming year.
The newspaper clipping
… We weren’t sure if that was another contributer to the now uncomfortably warm home, whether it represented culture or was just something to read as you awaited trial for arson.
The silver coin
would embody a prosperous year to come … and its first temptation.
The bread
is there to ensure that the household does not want for sustenance that year.
The shortcake cookie
too, although the addictive high sugar content of this item conjures whimsical suspicions that its addition may have been sponsor by ‘big business’. But, then again …. ‘shovel cookie’ … Ew!
The salt
My folks were shakier on this explanation. ” It’s to ward off evil spirits “, they claimed. “. ” So, it’s important to take this tradition with a pinch of salt ? “, I replied. This was met with pursed lips and a frown from my mother, as was my speculation that evil spirits maybe suffered from high blood pressure.