Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Fiendish Foods

We all know there are some foods that we should avoid because they are bad for our health … but which foods are so bad for us that, after they’ve killed us, they torture our stomachs for all eternity.

Below ( far far below in the fiery depths ) are ten hellish heart stopping suspects in our fiendish last supper.

1. Sietan

2. Angel Of Death Cake

3. Hung Upside Down Cake

Eternity Cologne

4. Misoul Soup

5. Deviled Ham

6. Ghost Peppers

7. The Evil Bread

8. Rack Of Lamb

9. Ice Cream

10. Beelzeburger

Nick Jackson was born in the UK, the land of gunpowder tea, but moved to America to escape exploding cups of tea. He now lives in Florida where he attempts come to terms with concepts such as how flat everything is and whether the alligator is a golfer's natural predator. Nick has written for Monkey Pickles from the beginning, as established in Cern, Switzerland, with the discovery of the long-sought Monkey Pickle Particle. He is somewhat "freaked out" by writing in the third person. Nick is motivated to write for the pleasure of the experience rather than to pay the bills, but he does recognize that pleasure is still not an acceptable method of payment in most respectable retail outlets. He hopes to raise a smile or two before being ejected from the store.
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