The Adventures Of Sheerluck Jolmes, Part 5: Dancing Sea Monkeys

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Previously, on Sheerluck Jolmes:

Having sorted out the opium shrimp, Jolmes and Mustrade were attacked by mechanical geese. But quick thinking, quick-enough reflexes and a good number of pancakes saved the day. But who killed Mr. Carini? And which is better, incense or opium?

sheerluck jolmes, sherlock holmes, cartoon popovers, cartoons online, read cartoons online, read comics online

Come back next Saturday morning for the exciting conclusion of the saga!

The Sheerluck Jolmes Series

Part 1: An Indisposed Chef

Part 2: Too Much Onion

Part 3: Shrimp & Smoke

Part 4: Takeout Blueberry Pancakes

Part 5: Dancing Sea Monkeys

Part 6: A Deadly Rotating Bow Tie