Celebrating National Pi Day!

Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π.

Pi Day is observed on March 14, since 3, 1, and 4 are the three most significant digits of π in the decimal form. In 2009, the United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day. Here is how some famous people celebrate this special holiday:

Oh yeah, The Rock knows the millions can smell it now!

It’s tough to be The Rock! No, no, no, no, it really is. Because you all know, The Rock is THE MOST… Electrifying man in all of showbiz! You see when The Rock gets too much… too much of the fame… and all the bright lights, he loves to kick back and have a slice… No, no, no, no, no, The Rock is gonna eat the whole damn pie! —Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, actor/wrestler Amy Farrah Fowler and I sat down and calculated Pi to the 100th place —Dr. Sheldon Cooper, PhD “Cinnamon and I watched the ‘Life of Pi’ DVD with Director’s Commentary.” —Dr. Rajesh Ramayan “Raj” Koothrappali, PhD “We spent the day like any other day—throwing pies at each other!” —Moe, Larry and Curly, the 3 Stooges         Sam's Club New Spring Outdoor Patio

What Was The First Thing You Did On Christmas Break As A Kid?


School is fine, but it’s nice to get a break every now and then.

What Was The First Thing You Did On Christmas Break As A Kid?

Name One Person You Wish You Could Drunk Text

Maybe you never got to say a proper “Screw you!” to that high school boyfriend or girlfriend who broke your heart all those years ago. Maybe you want to tell a famous person how you really feel about them.

Name One Person You Wish You Could Drunk Text!


Ultimate Banana Knowledge Quiz

Test your ‘nana knowledge with the Ultimate Banana Knowledge Quiz!


About ___% of the weight of a banana is water!

Rub a banana peel over _____ for a natural polish.

A single banana is called a what?


Bananas ripen best if they are picked when they are...

About half of all people who are allergic to _____ are also allergic to bananas.

The banana is technically a berry.


Bananas are the ___ largest agricultural product in the world!

Consuming bananas helps the body produce _________.

How To Use An Abacus The Right Way

An abacus is nothing more than a primitive calculator. After it became outdated, it could be found in every doctor’s office. Abaci came in just about any form from practical and boring to bright and colorful. They told you how to add several things together when you were a child and were still trying to get math right. Instead of counting on your hands, you could count on these beads that could handle more than your fingers ever could anyway.

Always carefully examine the following factors before you use an abacus.

Have you been without power for the past 30 days straight, and are zombies eating your brains? Are you definitely back in time and not going through some sort of illness that just makes you think that you are? Unfortunately, unless the answers to both these questions are yes, then you probably shouldn’t have any interest in using an abacus. If you’re planning to go back in time to the days where technology did not rule the land, we want you to be prepared for your trip. We’ll tell you how to use an abacus so waiting at the doctor’s office will be a blast!

Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands

Just remember that the beads at the top represent five times more than the beads on the bottom. That’s confusing because you probably don’t even know to assign the values to begin with! Basically if what’s at the bottom counts as one, then you can start arranging the beads based on the equations. Take the equation 1 + 4. You would move one bead on the very bottom row from the right to the left and four beads from the row just above it from the right to the left. Then on the third row from the bottom, you can count up how many beads there are on the bottom and top and then move five beads from that row to the right. Are you bored to tears right now? Not surprising, you’re reading about an ancient “technology.”

Wait, Is There More?

There is, if you really want to know. There are more complex equations you can do on an abacus if you really believe in yourself. The days of preschool have probably come and gone for you, but if you can designate values in such a way that follow a pattern, you can apply the same basic philosophies from the 1 + 4 equation to … other equations of addition or subtraction.

More Than That?

No, not really. We think you should have a better understanding of how abaci can function in the real world. The answer, of course, is that they don’t. That’s what the calculator on your phone is for.

The Texas Secret To A Long Life


Funny Joke Of The Day

Everything is bigger in Texas, right? But did you know that also includes life spans? Many years ago, a tough old cowboy from Texas counseled his granddaughter that if she wanted to live a long life like he had, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on her oatmeal every morning. The granddaughter did this religiously until the age of 103, when she died. She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren, 25 great-great-grandchildren, and a 40-foot hole where the crematorium used to be.

Tell us what you thought of this funny joke in the comments below, and come back every day for the Funny Joke Of The Day!

(Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

How To Make Sex Not Boring

You’ve heard about it from your friends. You’ve heard about it from all those cool celebrities. You may even have heard about it from your aging grandparents. What could possibly have everyone talking? Completely mind-blowing, out-of-this-world, outrageously awesome sex. Yes, we said it: sex, sex, sex. You know, the kind that where your partner isn’t thinking about the laundry they need to get done, the number of likes they’re getting on their Facebook feed, or whether Gilmore Girls will ever do just one more special season. Everyone wants to experience amazing sex in their life. Sometimes though there are people who have some issues when it comes to sex. For example, a man might suffer from erectile dysfunction and might feel less confident about himself because of it. However, this isn’t even a huge issue at it can easily be fixed with something like this penile implant. Well, stop what you’re doing right this very second, Monkey Picklers, because we’re going to learn exactly how to make sex the most un-boringest thing you’ve ever experience in your life. And it’s all courtesy of your sexy experts at Monkey Pickles.

Treat it Like a Major Sporting Event

If you’re mostly normal (or at least sort of), you’ve probably been to a major sporting event or two. Or maybe you’ve been to a few concerts. What did you happen to notice when you were there? People having an amazing time, not a boring face among them. To bring this kind of excitement to your sex life, throw in a dash of bright lights, maybe a savvy play-by-play announcer, and some spectators to cheer you on through every winning move. You can make it even that much better by riffing off your favorite sports songs with classics like “Eat Me Out to the Ball Game” and “Who Let the Dongs Out?”

Dust off Your Old Halloween Costumes

Next up in our guide to mind-altering, incredibly fun sex is a tried-and-true method here at Monkey Pickles… Halloween costumes. You were probably wondering what you’d ever do with that old Donald Duck outfit from a few years ago. Plus, your partner was such a killer zombie last year. Why not bring that level of entertainment to the bedroom? The possibilities are only limited by what you can find at your local spooky Halloween store. With the promise of fur, feathers, and dead flesh, sex with a touch of the spooky will get your heart racing in the most un-boring way imaginable. It might be worth doing some research on outfits that really get you going. Tube V Sex have some great videos I hear in this area.

Add a Specially Made Birthday Cake

What’s more not boring than your birthday? And if birthdays are such fun, then there just can’t be anything better than a delicious birthday cake in all its glory. Who cares if it’s not your birthday? Forget all that, and make every single sex session about the magic of your own special day, where everything is about you and what you want! Now, you’ll still need to include your partner in all the celebration, but nothing says you can’t both blow out the birthday candles and anything else that needs it. Don’t miss out on the excitement of smearing your faces with tasty icing too.

Make it into a Scavenger Hunt

When you were young, you might have engaged in a scavenger hunt or two. And you’ll notice something about nearly every one of them: people were enthusiastic, they were thrilled, they may even have been hysterical in their determination of winning. And that’s what you need in your sex life! Your partner wants a challenge, so give them exactly what they’re looking for by constructing an insane obstacle course! By the time they’re finished, they’ll be begging to find the prize, and you can rest assured that they’ll never let it go.

Combine it with Some Serious Dance Moves

From club to club across the nation, you’ll see people dancing and having a good time. There’s a whole scene that’s sprung up around clubbing and all the dancing that goes with it. But why let club-goers have all the excitement to themselves? Bring those dance moves to your bedroom! Sure, having sex while trying to do the Moon Walk or the Hustle isn’t exactly easy, but no one ever said the not being bored wasn’t a bit of work. Imagine how your partner will burn with passion when you break out in the Funky Chicken, the YMCA dance, or better yet, the Electric Slide! This is what incredibly not boring sex is all about, and you’re going to be at the forefront of a movement to get it started. Videos on websites like shemalehd are a good example of my point. They keep it fun and get their own dance moves in there. You’re probably thinking that un-boring sex sounds pretty dang good right about now. And we can promise you, you’re so very, very right. You’re practically an expert yourself now! So share some of your favorite tips with us!

How to Make Cement

For a long time now, you have found yourself consistently needing cement. You needed it to plug up that hole in the basement floor that you made by jumping up and down too much and to create a sidewalk that now goes from your backyard, through the woods, and to the local McDonald’s. But now, you are recalling how you had to go to the store and buy cement for those projects, and you would like to be more self-sufficient when it comes to cement from now on. Well, great news! You may not have known this, but you can actually make your own cement! But what is cement made of, you ask? You may be surprised to know this, but it is actually mostly limestone. It super easy to find out more about other natural walling stone that is available! So if you want to make your own cement, you will need the following:
  • Full body mask
  • Limestone
  • A heat source
  • Water
Once you have these ingredients together, you are ready to start the process of making your very own cement!

How to Make Cement – Shield Yourself

The first thing that you should keep in mind is that you are going to be working with some pretty dangerous chemical reactions. So the first thing you should do, before you attempt to make your own cement, is cover yourself up. Make some sort of a full body mask so that you are not actually touching the cement. You can buy one at the store, of course, but where’s the fun in that? Wasn’t the whole point of this entire endeavor to be more self-sufficient? What you really should do is make a full body mask out of whatever you want. You can use Saran Wrap, Play-Doh, broken glass, whatever’s around, really. The only thing you can’t use is cement, because you don’t have that yet!

How to Make Cement – Smash Up That Limestone!

You don’t really have to smash up your limestone, but a bunch of small pieces will heat up much more quickly than one huge rock. So go ahead and smash that baby up. This is your chance! You get to take out all of your frustrations on this limestone without actually causing destruction. So think of whatever is pi$$ing you off in the moment, whether it be your neighbor who keeps blasting his karaoke at 3 a.m. or that teacher who gave you an A- even after you had gone to the trouble to bake him brownies, and go to town on that limestone. You can use tools such as hatchets or sledgehammers, or maybe you’ll be so angry that you’ll be capable of wreaking havoc with your bare hands!

How to Make Cement – Some Like It Hot!

In order to create the limestone powder that you are going to need, you are going to have to heat up your rock to an incredibly high temperature. Ideally, it should be close to 1,000 degrees. Whatever you can do to create heat of this magnitude, go ahead and do. Whether it is creating a campfire, building your own kiln out of Play-Doh, or leaving it out in the hot sun and just hoping that the sun moves a little bit closer to the earth, go for it. Hey, people have been telling you that you look really hot lately. Maybe all you need to do is touch it with your finger (of course still wearing the full body mask) and watch it sizzle!

How to Make Cement – Water Makes Everything Better

Water really is a miracle substance. It may seem incredibly simple, but it is necessary in the making of so many things. Now that you have heated up your limestone, you should have limestone powder. What you will need to do now is mix in water. If you want to get creative, you can add in other ingredients too. If you want colored cement, you can add in food coloring or the remainder of that oil paint from when you tried to make it as an artist. You can also add and flower petals, dog hair, or mildew from your bathtub. Just be aware that we are talking about chemical reactions here, and if you don’t know your chemistry when you are adding in these things, something disastrous could happen. But of course, it doesn’t matter because you don’t even care if it blows up in your face – literally. You just want your cement, made your way.

How to Make Cement – Use It Or Lose It!

Now that you have all of this cement, you need to use it right away. Or at least pretty soon. Because you know, the thing about cement is that it dries when it is exposed to the air. It’s both a blessing and a curse, really. It’s what makes cement so good at what it does, yet it makes it so that you don’t have a whole lot of time to just keep wet cement around like you’ve dreamed of doing your whole life. So go ahead and do whatever you want to do with it! Create a secret underground passageway that goes from your yard into your neighbor’s basement so that you can see what they have been hiding in there all these years. Make a new pair of shoes that will weigh you down and make it impossible for you to leave the house and spend too much money on more shoes. Slather yourself with it and see if it works as well as those other skin masks you have tried! Let your freak flag fly high! Before I forget…after all that amazing cement work you’ve done, don’t forget to get it sealed and secured with a powerful surface sealant, such as a Seal with Ease protector, your cement creation will last forever!

Chicken Surprise

Funny Joke of the Day

A couple go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and order the Chicken Surprise. The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot. Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down. “Good grief, did you see that?” she asks her husband. He hadn’t, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down… Rather perturbed, he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening, and demands an explanation. “Please sir,” says the waiter, “what did you order?” The husband replies, “Chicken Surprise!” “Ah! So sorry,” says the waiter, “I bring you Peeking Duck!”

More Funny Jokes HERE!

Easy Access


Whenever the toilet paper runs out . . .

a deep, wide drawer full of spares is within arm’s reach. Is it strange that this little convenience makes me so happy? What odd amenity in YOUR life brings YOU pleasure?    

Which Superhero Sidekick Would You Want To Be?


Sure, it would be cool to be a superhero. But we aren’t all heroes!

Which Superhero Sidekick Would You Want To Be?

5 Cool Gifts for U2 Fans

U2 formed as a crew of friends in secondary school in Dublin, Ireland before any of them had any real proficiencies with music. Within four years they scored a record deal. By their fifth album they became a global sensation. In the present they’ve won 22 Grammy Awards, more than any other band, period. Part of their success is every time they run into controversy or boredom from their fan base, they evolve and revolutionize their sound. They’re huge experimenters, and The Edge really exemplifies this with his guitar pedal array.

U2: Revolution: A Complete Illustrated History

$31.16  in stock
9 new from $27.99
5 used from $33.40
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as of April 23, 2024 3:38 pm


Release Date 2019-10-01T00:00:01Z
Edition Illustrated, Reissue
Language English
Number Of Pages 236
Publication Date 2019-10-01T00:00:01Z
Format Illustrated

U2 by U2

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26 new from $12.35
47 used from $2.59
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as of April 23, 2024 3:38 pm


Part Number black & white illustrations, colour illu
Release Date 2009-12-01T00:00:01Z
Edition Reprint
Language English
Number Of Pages 455
Publication Date 2009-12-01T00:00:01Z
Format Illustrated

EICOCO Famous Legendary Music U2 Plaque Poster Metal Tin Sign 8" x 12" Vintage Retro Wall Decor

$9.99  in stock
as of April 23, 2024 3:38 pm


  • Material:Made of Environmentally Friendly Metal Tin.
  • Size: 8 x 12 inches (20 x 30 cm);Color: As The Pictures Shown.
  • Easy To Hang Art:this lightweight metal tin sign comes with pre-drilled holes for easy hanging.
  • Process: UV printing,Retro style,made with folded edges to ensure safety and stability.
  • Quality Service: we provide return and refund services, if you have any questions about the product, please contact us.

Wall Clock Compatible with U2 - Vinyl Record - Exciting Guest Room Decor idea for Adults, Men and Women - Rock Music Modern Art Design

 out of stock
as of April 23, 2024 3:38 pm


Part Number TW00015
Model TW00015
Color Black
Size 12 inches

EICOCO Guitar Shaped Rock Lyrics U2 Guitar Lyrics Plaque Poster Metal Tin Sign 8" x 12" Vintage Retro Wall Decor

$14.99  in stock
2 new from $9.99
Free shipping
as of April 23, 2024 3:38 pm


  • Material:Made of Environmentally Friendly Metal Tin.
  • Size: 8 x 12 inches (20 x 30 cm);Color: As The Pictures Shown.
  • Easy To Hang Art:this lightweight metal tin sign comes with pre-drilled holes for easy hanging.
  • Process: UV printing,Retro style,made with folded edges to ensure safety and stability.
  • Quality Service: we provide return and refund services, if you have any questions about the product, please contact us.

Two Guys Are Walking Through A Wild Animal Park…


Funny Joke Of The Day

Two guys are walking through a wild animal park when they come across a lion that looks like it hasn’t eaten for days. The lion starts chasing the two men through the wild animal park. They run as fast as they can but they’ve already been walking for a long time today. One guy starts getting tired right away and decides to say a prayer: “Please turn this lion into a Christian, Lord.” He looks back to see if the lion is still chasing. The lion has stopped and is sort of stooped over, crouching on its knees. Happy to see his prayer answered, he turns around and heads toward the lion. As he comes closer to the lion, he hears the lion saying a prayer: “Thank you, Lord, for the food I am about to receive.”  

Tell us what you thought of this funny joke in the comments below, and come back every day for the Funny Joke Of The Day!

  (Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

The Superiority Of Rabbits Over Foxes And Wolves


Funny Joke Of The Day

One sunny day, a rabbit came out of her hole in the ground to enjoy the fine weather. The day was so nice that she became careless and a fox sneaked up behind her and caught her. “I am going to eat you for lunch,” the fox announced ceremoniously. “Wait,” replied the rabbit, “You should at least wait a few days.” “Oh yeah? Why should I wait?” “Well, I am just finishing my thesis titled, ‘The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.’ ” “Are you crazy? I should eat you right now! Everybody knows that a fox will always win over a rabbit.” “Not really, not according to my research. If you like, you can come into my hole and read it for yourself. If you are not convinced, you can go ahead and have me for lunch.” “You really are crazy!” But since the fox was curious and had nothing to lose, he went with the rabbit. The fox never came out. A few days later, the rabbit was taking a break from writing and sure enough, a wolf came out of the bushes and was ready to set upon her. “Wait!” yelled the rabbit, “You can’t eat me right now.” “And why might that be, my furry appetizer?” “I am almost finished writing my thesis on ‘The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.’ ” The wolf laughed so hard that he almost lost his grip on the rabbit. “Maybe I shouldn’t eat you; you really are sick … in the head. You might have something contagious.” “Come and read it for yourself; you can eat me afterward if you disagree with my conclusions.” So the wolf went down into the rabbit’s hole … and never came out. A couple days later, the rabbit finished her thesis and was out celebrating in the local lettuce patch. Another rabbit came along and asked, “What’s up? You seem very happy.” “Yup, I just finished my thesis.” “Congratulations. What’s it about?” ” ‘The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.’ ” “Are you sure? That doesn’t sound right.” “Oh yes. Come and read it for yourself.” So together they went down into the rabbit’s hole. As they entered, the friend saw the typical graduate abode, albeit a rather messy one after writing a thesis. The computer with the controversial work was in one corner. And to the right there was a pile of fox bones, on the left a pile of wolf bones. And in the middle was a large, well-fed lion.   The moral of the story: The title of your thesis doesn’t matter. The subject doesn’t matter. The research doesn’t matter. All that matters is who your adviser is.

Tell us what you thought of this funny joke in the comments below, and come back every day for the Funny Joke Of The Day!

(Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

5 Ways To Avoid Valentine-ageddon

Are you struggling for romantic inspiration in the lead up to Valentine Day?

Desperately wracking your brains in search of a loving gesture that isn’t so cliché that your partner will question whether you put any thought into it at all?

Fear not!

We have some original ideas upon how to celebrate Valentines Day this year as February 14 is also …

International Book Giving Day

Dedicated to the reading of favorite books to needy children, individuals are encouraged to gift a treasured tome to an inquisitive young mind. So why not carry a selection for your personal library out to the front yard, set up some chairs and invite the local waifs and strays to sit down in your reading circle? Perhaps arranging your audience into a heart shape would be a nice touch too. Imagine your partner’s surprise when she arrives home to find half of her books missing and all the neighborhood scoundrels and vagabonds, that she is afraid of, gathered upon her lawn. Keep calm. You won’t be shouted at. There are kids present. The neighbors would think she’s a monster. Simply explain that for Valentines Day you wanted to share some of her favorite words with the world before stepping inside the house to discover that your partner’s favorite words are actually shorter and louder than you previously thought. And ….

Pet Theft Awareness Day

Why not fake kidnap your partner’s pet, then solve the crime. You’ll be a hero … unless you straight up admit that it was you. We suggest a more sophisticated caper. Maybe solve a series of fiendish nonsense clues that only you understand like in Sherlock. “Roses are red, violence is blue, If you want to see Rex alive, Come to the zoo.”, for instance. … Then explain that zoo means the dog park or your friend Terry’s apartment because the zoo wouldn’t play along and threatened to have you arrested … except don’t say that last bit out aloud … find a strand of thread and say “Aha!” or claim it’s the handwriting. Why not have Terry dress up as a 1920s silent movie villain? He will need a disguise when you surprise him and knock him to the ground dislodging his stovepipe hat mere moments before he finishes tying Rex to some handy railway tracks. Terry should submit easily following a brief struggle ( as indicated by “Curses!” or “Foiled Again!” ) during which you should relieve him of the flowers and chocolates you had him hold on to for you. At this point your partner should have been too busy untying Rex to have called the police. To ensure that the police are not summoned brandish the retrieved gifts and say, “No! We have his flowers and chocolates. He’s suffered enough, everywhere has sold out for miles.”. Note. This elaborate plan will not work so well if Rex is a goldfish. Also, if your partner knows Terry, try to use a clever alias ( Perry or Berry, maybe ) or it could be awkward the next time you hold a dinner party. Finally, if your favorite show is Murder She Wrote rather than Sherlock and fiendish clues aren’t your thing simply solve the mystery by having an unconnected revelation while knitting a cardigan or while sipping a gin and tonic. or you could celebrate …

Donor Day

Don’t go crazy. Actually donating your heart might seem the obvious move but we suggest sticking to a blood donation. There are few more selfless acts, where you end up with a cookie and some sweet tea, than giving blood. Today is the day to donate, so why not donate romantically as a couple. Perhaps you can persuade the nursing staff to provide a special heart shape intravenous tube. Watch your true love swoon at the romance of it all as the tubing turns ruby red before you recall that your partner faints at the sight of blood. Nevermind, upon waking you have arranged for your sweetheart to be presented with champagne, chocolates and roses instead of a tea and a cookie. Be sure, however, to remove the thorns from the roses. You don’t want to be needing more blood than you’ve just donated. or acknowledge …

World Whale Day

Have a whale of a time by serenading your honey with their favorite love songs … but underwater, in the style of a whale and from several hundred miles away. Upon your return, quickly explain that your 2 week absence was not a holiday in the Bahamas but a whale boot camp run by Patrick Duffy and The Weather Girls. Deflect further criticism by running a bath and reminding your partner just how big a whale’s ‘doo-dah’ is. or turn to …

Ferris Wheel Day

Perhaps you can arrange a romantic meal aboard a Ferris Wheel. The view will be fantastic. … providing it is not covered with food and sick. Try to avoid concussive foods and if your love faints from dizziness say you both had a great time when he/she comes around. Plus the Ferris wheel is unlikely to be by itself, a rouge wheel terrorizing the countryside, pursued by the military for a crime it didn’t commit. It is likely to be part of a fair. There will be lots of cool stuff to do there. You should be alright. That concludes our little compilation of Valentine ideas. And, if we have inspired you, you will never be stuck for gift ideas again as you will immediately think , “Therapy! More therapy would be a good gift.”