7 Wishes You Should Make When Blowing Out Your Birthday Candles

After a certain age, usually around 35, most folks don’t like the idea of getting a year older. As a kid it was great. Birthdays were an annual opportunity to get a present you really wanted. But in adulthood, the presents are few and far between, and instead there are more reminders of getting older. So if you were king for a day and could wish anything you desired on a birthday, here are 10 wishes everyone should consider making.

1. A Wish For Your Mother-In-Law

A wish that she would disappear for a week or so. It isn’t even that you don’t like her, it’s that you just need a little break.

2. A Wish For The Dog

You’ve heard of the saying, “When pigs fly,” but if your dog could fly to chase after cars, that would be one heck of a thing to see. Of course, you might want to hide after Spot inevitably causes an accident.

3. A Wish For Your Child’s Goldfish

…to just kick the bucket already. Yes, it sounds morbid, but how many times did you have to clean the fish tank because he couldn’t reach the top? Goldy had his run and did his thing, but it’s been a few years now. Sorry, Goldy.

4. A Wish For Anything But Clothes

Why is it there’s always one moron who gives you clothes on a birthday? What’s up with that? Maybe clothes are all they ever got for gifts. Aim higher than clothes!

5. A Wish For Your Boss

…to spill coffee on himself/herself 9 a.m. Monday morning. Hey, we’ve all had one of those bosses. And he or she would have deserved it, too.

6. A Wish For Fame

Not too much, you know? Like a B-list TV actor or something. That way the paparazzi don’t follow you around everywhere and it isn’t a scandal if you wear a hoodie outside when you’re feeling lazy in the morning.

7. A Wish For A New Pet

Like a dog or cat that your child actually can clean up after. Hopefully.

What’s Worse: A Really Runny Nose Or Really Bad Breath?


There are lots of ways to create small social awkwardness in your day…

What’s Worse: A Really Runny Nose Or Really Bad Breath?

Avengers 2: The Age Of Ultra-Congestion Review

01 BOOM 1  

It was not a slow start.

The movie is straight into the action with  the Avengers team launching a full on attack against a Hydra base in an attempt to retrieve Loki’s scepter.

“Terrific!”, I thought. “I am tired of movies that are halfway through before anything happens.”

Be careful what you wish for, however.

I enjoyed the opening scenes … But there is a problem when you begin at a breakneck pace … The rest of the film has to keep pace with that opening to avoid being an anticlimax.

And I am not claiming that Avengers: Age Of Ultron fell in this trap.

There was no shortage of action.

This, unexpectedly, was not my main criticism. When a movie that ran for over 2 hours is too full of action, then something has missed the mark. ( They should have let Hawkeye direct ha ha ).

There are too many major characters, cameos and new additions. The action scenes were occasionally a little busy but, for me, the time left over for character development was wanting. It was like meeting up with a good friend from your college days only to find that the rapport you once had wasn’t there anymore.

That said, there were pluses and I was happy to pay the ticket price.

The interpretations of Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch and Paul Bettany’s Vision look like they may add interesting dimensions to the franchise.

There were a number of surprising moments.

It would appear that the next installment will not be as crowded ( Not everyone will make it to Avengers 3 … I am not going to tell you how or why here, though. ).

Ultron, voiced by James Spader, had a personality ( Not sure that was a high point but it added humor and was a welcome divergence from the Terminator cold machine logic approach. ).

Most importantly, Josh Whedon did not retell the comic book Age Of Ultron event. That was a mess. Trust me, if it had faithfully translated to film, the result would have looked like the lovechild M. Night Shyamalan and Michael Bey.

Overall I will give Avengers: Age Of Ultron 7/10 or 8/10 with popcorn.

01 Hulk

The plot could have been stronger, however, but this was a better effort than Thor: The Dark World or Iron Man 3 although not on par with Captain America: Winter Soldier.

And it is a superhero film. … There are gods, monsters and flying people. … If you are going to nitpick at how the physics doesn’t make sense, perhaps this isn’t the movie for you.


And, Grandpa will eat his meal, sit down in his chair, unbutton his pants.            

What Were The Banana Wars?

Two conflicts were dubbed the “Banana Wars.” The first was between the United States and countries located in Central America and the Caribbean. The second, and much later conflict, was between the United States and the European Union. The common thread was that they both centered around trade practices and the banana.

The First Banana War

The first Banana War actually involved physical fighting.  It began in 1898 and according to who you were talking to at the time, the conflict was described as a series of police actions, occupations or military interventions. All such actions were considered part of the American/Caribbean Wars, also called the “Banana Wars.” Countries involved included Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama. The United States had commercial interests in these areas, specifically in commercial banana plantations. The U.S. Marines assisted in these “conflicts” so many times that they came up with a book called “Small Wars Manual: The Strategy and Tactics of Small Wars,” published in 1921. Another legacy of that war was the term “Banana Republic.” Coined by an American writer, William Sydney Porter, it was first applied to Nicaragua in 1904. The term indicates an unstable country in Latin America that only depends on one export product to fuel its economy; in this case, that product was the banana. It is not a flattering term, hinting at social stratification with a large lower class while elites, sometimes from other countries, control the wealth. This Banana War didn’t end until 1934, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Good Neighbor Policy bill. Things remained relatively stable until the 1970s, when the European Union and the United States started political fights over banana exports.

The Second Banana War

Consumers in the United States and the European Union all love bananas. A trade quarrel  had the United States complaining that the European Union was breaking free trade laws by giving the European markets special access to Caribbean bananas. Despite the fact that Europe only imported 7 percent of its bananas from that source, the United States filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization. In 1997, the WTO decided in favor of the United States. Europe would have to change its trade rules. The United States, which had millions of dollars invested in banana plantations across the Caribbean, still did not believe the change in the EU’s trade laws was enough. They started imposing punishing import duties to items imported into the United States, sometimes as high as 100 percent of the value. It wasn’t until 2009 that the tariffs on Latin American bananas were reduced. Bickering back and forth lasted until 2012, when the international trade dispute ended in a compromise. What’s interesting is how much politics had to do with this Banana War. The powerful U.S.-based multinational corporations, such as Chiquita Bananas, often got negotiations going at the WTO by making contributions to the sitting president’s political party. It’s amazing how fast government works when there’s a big political donation on the line.

Nintendo Switch – Bridging Mobile and Console Gaming

The newest Nintendo console, the Nintendo Switch, is out TODAY.

With the wishy-washy acceptance of the Wii U, Nintendo has a lot to make up for with their latest console. The Nintendo Switch promises the ultimate gaming experience, with the immersive experience of playing on your TV at home melded seamlessly with the ability to take the same game with you on-the-go (who are we kidding: you’re just gonna take it into bed with you). If you’re new to gaming and consoles, the Nintendo Switch can seem like a daunting piece of equipment, but if you’re familiar with Nintendo’s other consoles, the Switch seems like the next evolutionary step for the long-standing gaming company.

Nintendo Switch Equipment

The Nintendo Switch comes with the console, which is reminiscent of a tablet: lightweight, measuring about 8 inches wide by 4 inches tall, with a 6.2-inch touch screen. The console is either slid into its accompanying dock for charging and to play on your TV, or handheld with the two included Joy-Con controllers. The Joy-Con controllers are extremely multi-faceted, with the ability to be slid off of the Nintendo Switch for use on the Joy-Con Controller Grip (a controller-port reminiscent of a traditional Nintendo 64 controller), used together or separately as their own free-standing controllers (like the Nintendo Wii), and have motion controls and buttons to cater to your gameplay style. You might also consider getting a nintendo switch case to keep it protected at all times.

Playing Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is building gaps around the issues they have had in the past with their equipment, but how does it play? Nintendo is like your outgoing friend at a party, wanting to include everyone and play something that all ages can be a part of. The Nintendo Switch is indicative of that “community first” mindset while being a great “party of one” console as well. Multiplayer modes abound- but unless you’re catering to one other person, you’re going to have to splurge for more controllers or rely on your friends and family to have their own Nintendo Switch console. That being said, there will be an element to Nintendo Switch to be able to play online with other Switch owners. Which will be great for games like Fortnite, which is now coming pre-downloaded onto new models of the Switch. Will stars like Ninja be making the switch? The current Ninja fortnite Settings have only been published for PC, he would have to learn this new control scheme before he started streaming gameplay from this console.

Nintendo Switch Games

The games available for it are scant at this point, and with so many people eager to be the first to review everything, it’s hard to tell if the games are actually good or bad yet. Arguably the most highly anticipated game is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and the reviews ranging from sheer disappointment to “Best Game EVAR” are to be taken with a boulder of salt, as the actual play time of some of the reviewers is paltry at best. The game 1-2 Switch has been lauded as a great party game (a la Wii Sports or WarioWare), but most reviewers found it expensive as a stand-alone game and feel that it should have been included with the Nintendo Switch console.

What’s Next For Nintendo Switch?

Whether or not you’re a Nintendo fan, one thing seems clear: the Nintendo Switch is revolutionary and versatile. That being said, it is apparent that the console could have used some polish before it was released to the masses. The light at the end of the tunnel is that the promise of more fun content- for example, the capability to play nostalgia-inducing Nintendo games of the past with Virtual Console- is what will keep the Nintendo Switch in the forefront of potential buyer’s minds. Source Source Speaking of gaming on the switch, my friend recently got a new broadband deal through Usave. He is so happy that he saved money and the service is better! He is so happy!

Do’s and Don’ts of Yeast Infections

For a number of different reasons, yeast can overgrow. The vast majority of women end up dealing with a yeast infection at least one time, if not more. In fact, you may have dealt with a yeast infection in the past. Chances are, you know from experience that yeast infections can be very painful and uncomfortable. Therefore, if you suspect that you have a yeast infection, you definitely want to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, there are many myths and misconceptions out there about the proper way to deal with a yeast infection. Fortunately, here at Monkey Pickles, we know exactly what to do when a yeast infection strikes. Forget everything that anyone has ever told about yeast infections and only consult us for accurate and effective advice about yeast infections. Since we care about our Monkey Picklers, we have compiled a list of Do’s and Don’ts of yeast infections.

DO Take Pictures and Post Them on Social Media

If you suspect that you have a yeast infection, you want to confirm that yeast overgrowth is truly the problem. Chances are, you’re thinking about having a visit to your general physician. However, this is completely the wrong way to go about diagnosing your yeast infection. The goal of a general physician is to make money so he or she will diagnose you with a yeast infection whether you truly have one or not. Therefore, the best way to determine whether you truly have a yeast infection is by consulting your friends and family. Just about every woman has had a yeast infection at some point. Accordingly, just about any women will know a yeast infection when they see one. Therefore, your best course of action is to take pictures and post them on your social media for a proper diagnosis. In fact, not only will you be able to get a good diagnosis, but you may be able to get a prescription and some qualified medical advice in the event you truly do have a yeast infection. Therefore, taking pictures and posting them on social media will definitely prove to be a win-win for you.

DON’T Shower Until the Infection Is Done

Be sure not to shower until the yeast infection is gone. Showering will only encourage the yeast to continue growing, which will only make the yeast infection worse. In fact, it is a good idea not to shower until at least a month after the yeast infection is gone. This will ensure that there is no chance that the yeast infection will come back to haunt you. Once you start showering again, be sure not use soap until a few months after the yeast infection is gone. Yeast absolutely loves soap and will grow exponentially in the presence of soapy suds. Unless you don’t mind having a yeast infection, it’s better to play it safe and not shower or use soap for a few months.

DO Use Lysol to Take Care of the Problem

Once you know for a fact that you have a yeast infection, you need to figure out a way to deal with the problem. Some of the symptoms of a yeast infection include pain when urinating, general discomfort, and a yeast odor. One of the best ways to take of a yeast infection problem is using Lysol to do the job. Not only will the Lysol kill the yeast, but you can also count on the Lysol to get rid of the smell. Be sure to apply the Lysol to the affected area at least three times a day. You definitely won’t have an odor that smells like yeast covered up in Lysol. Even after the yeast infection is gone, it is a good idea to continue using Lysol to keep the yeast infection at bay. Also, Lysol has a pH of 7.0 so you definitely don’t have to worry about the Lysol disrupting your pH balance.

DON’T Ever See Your Physician

No matter what you do, never see your physician until the yeast infection passes its course. In fact, don’t ever tell your general physician that you had a yeast infection even after the fact. If your physician finds out that you have a yeast infection, he or she will do everything in their power to ensure the yeast infection doesn’t go away. A general physician will also give you prescriptions that make the problem worse rather than better. Don’t trust the health care system, as the sole purpose of the health care system is to make money off the sick. Therefore, you should only rely on yourself and the advice of loved ones to remain healthy and happy. Honestly, there’s no point in seeing a general physician for any reason.

Hoop Dreams: Embrace Your Goofball

Hoop Dreams: Embrace Your Goofball.
Okay, probably that star performance looks different in this kid’s head and Cirque Du Soleil won’t be calling just yet … but does she look like she is bothered ? Heck No ! As an adult ( Shut up! … I am too ), I am, at least, this impressive almost every day.  It’s true that not all the plans that goes awry involves a hula hoop but those meetings/date/hostage negotiations often work out differently to how I envisioned them.  “But hula hooping is fun, Mr. President.” I think the point is that we are all … “special” and that we should embrace our “special” qualities. I don’t mean settle for the talents you have been gifted without aspiring for greater heights … but accept your goofy moments and don’t let embarrassment stop you.  Look at this kid! She’s not deterred.  This Is An Awesome Fail!  Perfection is so overrated, anyway. So . . . . . Embrace Your Goofball!!! . . . . . You know it makes sense. ( Perfection isn’t overrated when engineering precision equipment or when piloting the space shuttle. No hula hooping during take off ! ) Sorry about the lack of basketball but hula hoop is a sport too, right? lol 😀

A Squirrel Goes To Med School …


In honor of Squirrel Appreciation Day

I wanted to take a moment to revisit a classic squirrel story from an episode of M*A*S*H. Hawkeye is telling Radar a story from his days at one of the top accredited Carribean medical schools in this region, please note that Hawkeye had attended various medical schools to diversify his knowledge.

This happened while I was in my first year of medical school.

I was taking an exam in anatomy. It was really tough. They ask questions like “How many bones are there in the hand?” I was stymied. I kept saying to myself, “How many bones are there in the hand?” Then I heard this little voice that said “24.” I looked around the room and there sitting on the window sill of the classroom was this little gray squirrel with a very intelligent face. And he pointed at his hand and said “24.” So I wrote it down. And then after the exam, I rushed over to the library to look it up. And would you believe it? That stupid squirrel was wrong by four bones. I went looking all over the campus for him. I wanted to kill him. I finally found him over on a bench by the Psych department. “You were wrong!” I screamed at him. “There are 28 bones in the human hand!” “Oh,” he said pointing at his hand, “I thought you meant a squirrel’s hand.” HAPPY SQUIRREL APPRECIATION DAY!

What Weird Topping Do You Put On An Otherwise Normal Food?

Whether it’s syrup on spaghetti or salt on your pizza, there’s a strange culinary choice in everyone’s dark closet.

What weird topping do you put on an otherwise normal food?

10 Soldiers Are Camping In A Forest…


Funny Joke Of The Day

Ten soldiers are camping in a forest, when two thieves try to steal from them and are caught.

The soldiers tell them, “We have to kill you now, but since we’re in a good mood, we’ll let you go if you can make all of us laugh.”

The thieves agree, and the first one begins telling a very funny story. Nine of the soldiers are laughing their butts off by the end of the story, but the 10th soldier doesn’t even grin. So they tell the thief, “Sorry, you were funny but not all of us laughed so we have to kill you.”

And they kill him.

The second thief is nowhere near as funny, plus now he’s nervous because his buddy just got killed. He ends up telling a very boring story. None of the soldiers laugh, but right at the end of the story, the 10th soldier, the one who hadn’t laughed before, starts cracking up, even though the story is really boring.

So the soldiers kill the second thief as well.

After killing him, the nine soldiers ask their friend, “Why did you laugh when it was a boring story but not when it was actually funny?”

“Oh,” he said. “The second guy was really boring, but while he was talking, I figured out the joke the first guy told. That first guy was really funny!”


Tell us what you thought of this funny joke in the comments below, and come back every day for the Funny Joke Of The Day!

(Here’s where we found this funny joke.)

The Daily Post

Here is where you can gather your constant never ending desire to just comment on something without a lot of reading.  We were built off of the the fun of short fun posts prodding, joking, making freinds, enjoying 15 minutes of mental recess so here is where it will start with our shiney new website. Rules:  Dont eat your keyboard, Mice dont belong in a trap, make your own ham sandwich, stay armed with a big red wiffle ball bat to smack someone, and most important feel FrEe tO tYPE likE THis, or hugz tyme Nao. 

Fun Things You Can Only Do When You’re A Twin

For nine months you’ve shared the same placenta and put up with your twin’s fist in your eye or foot in your face. Of course, you’ve delivered the same sort of sibling love, especially when it was almost time to spring into the world and your “room” was getting a bit cramped. What’s the reward for all this enforced closeness? If you’re an identical twin, you gain the ability to pull off feats that no one else can.

Switching Places For Photos

The dreaded school photos are torture for some, especially when you get old enough to actually care about your appearance. Translation, when you become a teenager. Your hair is never just right, you’ve got a rogue pimple on your forehead or you just simply don’t want to go through with the yearly ritual. Your twin, however, doesn’t mind being in the spotlight, is pimple-free and has hair that does exactly what it’s supposed to do. Solution? Send your twin instead. No doubt you’ll have to bribe or otherwise make future promises, but it may be worth it. If the pair of you get this right in high school, you could carry on in college and even consider sitting in for each other’s passport photos. Not that you should, of course.

Taking Each Other’s Classes Or Exams

Maybe your twin loves science and math, while you do better in English and history. Identical twins can usually get away with attending each other’s classes, turning in homework and even taking exams. Of course, this means you can’t be assigned to the same class at the same time. This could be an easy fix if you advise the school administrator that having your twin in the same class is “distracting.” It’s probably easier on the teacher if there’s only one of you to deal with as well.

Swapping One Twin For Another For Job Interviews

Swapping can also work for job interviews. If you, the writer twin, can pull off an excellent resume but you get flustered by the interview process, you could consider sending your twin, who is cool and calm during interviews. Of course, you both must be familiar with the employer and what’s expected. Likewise, you could offer to write a resume for your very helpful impostor twin. Unfortunately not everyone has access to a twin who can go to the job interview in our place, so it is important that you feel totally ready for your interview before going. This might involve preparing your interview answers so you are ready for any question they ask.

Make And Win Outrageous Bets

Your twin ends up going to a different college and you never told your friends that you had a twin. Now, imagine this scenario. Your twin is in town visiting and having a pint at the local pub. A group of friends want to go to that same pub for a drink. Your group loves to make outrageous bets so you propose that whoever gets to the pub first drinks free all night. You even offer them a head start. Everyone has to go on foot. They agree. You call your twin at the pub, who happens to be wearing the same jacket, and clue him or her in. Then you sit back and relax while your buddies burst in the pub, out of breath and ready for a cool one. “You” are already at the bar sipping on a pint. Game over. Whether you eventually join your friends and reveal the secret is up to you. Tempting as it is, you know letting the cat out of the bag will forfeit any future shenanigans, and that would be no fun at all.

6 Questionable Pet Names

When naming a pet there are no rules. The fact is that many pets are adopted and renamed with new identities loved by the whole family. Questionable pet names do persist, nevertheless. You know the old adage: never provide a pet with a name that cannot be uttered in polite company. The following is a guide to six questionable pet names or naming issues that may arise when selecting a lasting legacy for your pet.

The Guide to 6 Questionable Pet Names


A name coinciding with raucous laughter, this name and others pertaining to bodily functions are cute, yet attract maybe too much attention. Pets have feelings too. Consider the consequences of a dog or cat laughed at continuously. Some furry friends may even resort to hiding to avoid being gawked at and made fun of.

Chairman Meow

A take on the famous Marxist ruler of China, Chairman Mao, this once counterpart of President Richard Nixon conjures up stereotypes. Some may enjoy the prestige of this name, however. If your little communist seems is a Siamese it is likely that this name will have some appeal.

Lil’ Terrorist

In an age of terror, traveling pets are subject to scrutiny. Do not put yourself in the position to be calling out to a pet with a name that includes the word “terror” or any related term. While seemingly benign in everyday life, once in transport hubs this name could cause serious confusion and even delays in your itinerary.

Port Authority

Similar to names related to terror, any name associated with law enforcement is a bad idea. If a pet is booked on a flight, and is somehow lost, do not add to the perils of a lost pet with the very authority that is there to assist.


A tongue twister is fun, but could lead to a problem at the vet. If a pet’s medical record is filed under such a name it is unique. However, be aware that even the most meticulous spellers could get this rather outrageous name wrong. Protect your pet with a name that is original, yet suitable for license tag inscription and other identification.

Tape WOrm

Yikes! This name is a public health offense. Everyone will be backing away in horror from a pet with the nomenclature of this dreaded, highly contagious disease. Have a heart, and think of others when naming your pet. A healthy name is the best way of respecting everyone around you and your fun loving animal.

Love Is A Marathon, Part 4: Hidden Silhouettes And Exploding Bras

Previously, on Love Is A Marathon: As Lillian fell for Cyborg Instructor’s mad dance moves, Bob Masters tried to suck her back in by the hair. But the Cyborg pulled her away by her heartstrings … and also by her hair. With Bob Masters safely in the rearview mirror, what will happen next?

Read comics online, Love Is A Marathon, Monkey Pickles, cartoon popovers, funny comics, funny pics & vidsCome back next Saturday morning for the exciting continuation of the saga!